Forum Activity for @jim-wilmore

Jim Wilmore
11/13/11 03:23:32PM
488 posts

Shelby Fairgrounds Speedway...or Cleveland County Fairgrounds Speedway

Stock Car Racing History

Being I don't know much about Shelby aka Cleveland County Fairgrounds, which ever name is the more popular, for the sake of an answer to the question I'll say Shelby because, I have an original Shelby promotional poster from the track, the Cleveland County Fair (no "grounds") in smaller letters with "Shelby" in larger bolder letters. However, since my middle name is Cleland and sounds much like "Cleveland" I like the Cleveland County Fairgrouinds name more (pun intended).

And as you (Jeff) requested I just posted a photo of the poster on the Stock Car page.

Jim Wilmore
11/13/11 08:35:00AM
488 posts

It Was a Vintage and Historic Year (Before NASCAR Abandonned Its Fans)


Quote "Folks actually talked about NASCAR races at work on Monday morning." end quote

Dave, that was so true, even up until 2001. There's still some small talk in the shop on Mondays but it doesn't last long, doesn't get heated, and is usually about what bonehead move so-and-so made. It's sad to have lost those days, hopefully one day they'll return however, leadership must start at the top and until there's some real leadership in NASCAR there will never be that good ole Monday morning race talk.

Jim Wilmore
11/11/11 07:01:29PM
488 posts

11-11-11 Anniversary of only GN race at Golden Gate Speedway

Stock Car Racing History

I may have some photos from a modified race held here, will have to do some digging.

Jim Wilmore
11/11/11 06:58:01PM
488 posts

Keeps going and going.


Irony at it's best

Jim Wilmore
11/12/11 07:24:20AM
488 posts

Vets helped to create stock car racing


Dave, if it didn't mean anything to Bud they wouldn't have put a picture of him in uniform some 66+ years later on that car.

TMC, whether you do 2 years or 20 serving the military is something that you'll never forget no matter how big of a name you make for yourself. I almost wish is was mandatory to serve, it would do a lot of good for our youth, especially in these times where there biggest thrill they get is getting a new Xbox game.

Jim Wilmore
11/11/11 05:49:45PM
488 posts

Vets helped to create stock car racing


I like it Dave, good story.

I'll tell ya little war story (non-race related). When I was a young man just back from a 30 day training exercise, much of which was conducted in the hills on foot, upon returning to Fort Bragg my girl friend met me at the front desk of our barracks, seeing her hot pink dress with her hair all done up and make up on I felt ambushed, had lost my ability to interject with a pretty girl and felt more like hiding behind a bush where I felt more comfortable. Point is, even in training it can get so intense that it takes time to decompress from it and jell back into what we perceive as "the norm". Seeing that pretty girl after being with a bunch of grimy rough and tough guys for 30 days was a culture shock, I didn't know how to respond. Thus my point about racing after a war, what better way to unwind than to go racing.

Jim Wilmore
11/11/11 12:38:25PM
488 posts

Vets helped to create stock car racing


When you read the history of stock car racing you'll find a common denominator; Veterans. Though stock car racing was formed before the start of WWII many of the pre-war drivers were drafted or volunteered to serve the military and upon returning from the war found relief and therapy in getting in a race car and relieving those post-war blues. Books written about the post-war veterans saying that it was the young males returning with a pocket full of cash and a sense of adventure that steered them towards racing, there's some truth to that no doubt however, war can be an incredible adrenaline rush, when it's over one can go through withdraws, for many I believe, jumping behind the wheel of a stock car filled that void. Being it's Veteran's Day thanks to all the vets that ever raced, you are still carrying on an American tradition that dates back to your Fathers, Grandfathers, and Great Grandfathers, and Mothers, Grandmothers, Great Grandmothers as well. Nelson Stacy, WWII Tank Commander

updated by @jim-wilmore: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jim Wilmore
11/11/11 12:18:08PM
488 posts

Fly Your Flag High


Very well put Jim, thanks!

Recently I heard a quote from a WWII Marine who fought in the Pacific, he spoke about the first day of an amphibious assault on one of the many islands to root out the Japanese, he said "I didn't meet an atheist there, not that day, every man was praying."

No one likes to send their sons and daughters off to war however, that is what makes our military so great, that they are ALL volunteers.

Jim Wilmore
11/10/11 09:24:10PM
488 posts

Fly Your Flag High


Watching Vietnam in HD on the History Channel, I commend the History Channel for honoring those brave young men and woman, our finest citizens. Remember them tomorrow and fly your American Flag, I guarantee every Vet that ever served will appreciate your paying respect to those that lived, fought were wounded and died for this country, it is at the least our message that they are not forgotten for the sacrifices they've made.

updated by @jim-wilmore: 03/12/17 02:43:27PM