Jim Seay
02/21/09 08:21:55PM
Wendell could have been among the truly elite drivers For many years, my late father - Tom Seay - said,"If NASCAR and the NAACP had gotten behind Wendell, he could have been one of the real greats. He would have helped the civil rights cause more than any sit-ins and marches if he hadthe right kind of backing."I've always agreed and liked the man for more reasons than his being a very good racer and one of the hardest wrokiing men in the sport. What he did with so little help is still remarkable. He became beloved by many because of his competitiveness, grit and determination. I'll always consider him to be a champion.Ned Jarrett, another hero in my mind, did what he could to assist Wendell by getting Lee Iacocca and Ford Motor Company to provide Wendell a better piece of equipment and some parts. Just imagine what he would have been able to do with a full crew, a well-equipped shop and the things he needed to succeed even more than he did.If ever a new, young driver comes from the community of blacks, he will have to live up to a great example exmplified by Mr. Scott to earn my respect but will do so with political correctness backing him. Wendell didn't have that advantage.Maybe those in the sport who didn't give the man his due will recognize his contributions by steppoing up to honor the memory of that geat driver by helping his younger brothers who share the same ethnicity.Jim Seay
Jeff Gilder

What constitutes "vintage" racing?

Those who know me...know what my opinions are. for those who don't know me...here they are. We would like to hear yours.To me there are three basic...
@Jeff Gilder started 14 years ago - replies: 3
Jeff Gilder

National Vintage Registry

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Donald J. Berridge

What is David doing now?

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Bobby Williamson

The Spirit Lives On

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Billy & Barbara Scott

MICHAEL McGUIRE FANS-- http://WWW.MichaelMcguire.com

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Billy & Barbara Scott


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Melissa Ann Mahn

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George Pavlisko2

Facts for you

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Jeff Gilder

The Bell and Bell Vintage Modified Tour

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Debbie Scott Rash

Billy Scott Trivia Questions

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