Renee Langford Sullivan
12/26/11 10:31:22AM
Charles "Red" Langford, #2 I grew up around racing. My Daddy's first race car was a baby blue, 1955 Chevy with a white #2 on the side trimmed in black. I can't remember if he ever raced himself or not on this track but I do remember being a very young child and going to the old dirt track in Gray (Jones County). One of the cars that I remember from that track particularly was an old orange coupe driven by Johnny Quick. I remember how dirty we would be from the race after all the Georgia red mud and dirt flew in the air as the cars raced around the track.My Daddy and his brother, Melvin Langford, Sr. from McIntyre, GA, raced at 441 Speedway in Dublin, GA and my Daddy also raced at an old track in Houston County, as well as an asphalt track in Byron, the Middle Georgia Speedway.During his racing career, he switched to a Chevelle, a darker color, but blue of course, with a gold #2 on the side. I have many memories of him working on that car in our backyard, as well as driving it around from the garage to the back yard, loading it up on the trailer to go to the track, etc. My mother would take us to church and we would change clothes in the car on the way to the track where we would spend many Sunday afternoons watching my Daddy race. My mother was never a race fan...she thought it was too loud, dangerous and it was just not something she liked.I remember the Crazy 8 racing that was done using the infield part of the track, the Powder Puff derbies where women drove the cars and the demolition derbies.Those were good times! It was just last year that my mother, brother and I were going through my Daddy's things that we actually got rid of the old 1955 Chevy frame. So many memories but who would have ever imagined that racing was something that I would have gotten in my blood??? It's a family tradition... : ) I love to watch but after walking the banks of MGR at the previous Racers Reunion, Feb 2011, there's no way that I could drive....I don't think. : ) No wonder I freaked out whenever my Daddy crashed!!This post is in memory and honor of all those who ever raced at MGR or other tracks in the Middle GA area!!Renee Langford Sullivan

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