Poet K.A. Steffek
07/12/08 11:36:44AM
Hit the dirt I do not write alot of dirt poetry, since I specialize in NASCAR based poetry, But.. I do sometimes stray,hehehe.. So here is a poem about Dirt racing, since it seems to be our current subject matter,lol..Hit the dirtI love the smell of gas,In the evening air.When the boys,Hit the dirt.I never have fear.For a good time,Will be had by all.For racin in the dirt,Is a complete total ball!The grassroots of racin,It all starts right here.When the boys,Hit the dirt.You will hear the crowd cheer!Like any series,Its changed through the years.But the thrill of the chase,Still happens a lot.When the boys,Hit the dirt.You can hear the gears rock!Its a special tune,Heard on Saturday nights.When the boys,Hit the dirt,Its a guaranteed fight!2008 K. A. SteffekAll rights reservedSo there it is, it will be included in my third book:The Pitstops of poetryCurrently under construction
Don Nelson

anybody awake..?

IS everybody quit ....come on people ..post some cars on this site.......please.
@Don Nelson started 13 years ago - replies: 0
The Wally Bell Show

Thanks Barry Kuhlmann !!

Fantastic PicturesThe Bill Kuhlmann Fan Club And HERE.
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Errol Rafuse

Tshirts and decals

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