what the liberals and groups like the aclu are really trying to do
the Good Lord has shown me the truth about what liberals and groups like the aclu are really doing. You see Ihave watched over the years as people have taken the ten commandments out the court room, ihaveseen prayer romoved before football games,i have seem court cases against towns who start their meeting with prayer.i could name many more cases. you see they are only happy if we leave The Lord Jesus Christ in the church. we attend. But that was never Gods Plan for us. The Lord GODs plan was for us to walk in the spirt so that people could see the Lord through us and in us. i believe that its time that more of us walk with the spirt of God leading us and working through us. Let each us bring the Lord GODwith us every where we go.Let us walk and talk freely about the things the Lord GOD is doing in our lives, Let no man or group keep us quite. Let us with Holy boldness speak freely about OUR Lord and savoir and redeemer. Let us shout from the roof top that we will not leave the Lord GOD incased within four wallsof our church May GOD bless you all in every way
Anybody have an idea if the car had issues today??? Were we out there just getting our feet wet, getting ready for next week??
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