Myria L Stepp

Jim Norwood

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This is my grandfather, Jim Norwood! I was looking to see if anyone could give me information on him or any photos I could have. I would have loved to have known him and seen him race. My mom talks about him all the time, good memories is all she has.
Len Walker
@len-walker   11 years ago
Hi Myria I remember seeing your grandfather race at tracks around south Florida. He drove for Wayne Kackley.There are pictures of him in Florida Motorsports Retrospective Pictorial put out by Eddie Roche.
Myria L Stepp
@myria-l-stepp   11 years ago
Oh that is awesome!!! Thank you so much. I will look into that. I get so excited to find new pictures or hearing good things about my grandfather.
Len Walker
@len-walker   11 years ago
Hi Myria I was just looking into where you could find the two volumes of the pictorial books.They are no longer printed. I might be able to make copies of the pages with your grandfathers pictures. Just to warn you one picture is of him going over the wall at WPB when he was killed. Let me know if you want me to try to make copies.
bill mcpeek
@bill-mcpeek   11 years ago
Myria, I remember your Grandfather from the early days in central and south Florida. A good friend of mine is Dave Westerman who has a web site called Florida Racing History. I'm sure there are several pics of the old number 5 cars and also the no.57 car he drove. you can look up the web site and dig around. I'l bet there's several of Jim in there. bill
Myria L Stepp
@myria-l-stepp   11 years ago
The only 3 pictures i currently have of him are this one, when he was airborne going over the wall, and when they were pulling him out of the car. I would appreciate anything of him. I am very thankful for the responses and help as well!!!! :0)
Len Walker
@len-walker   11 years ago
I have several pictures. I will send them in an email if you let me know what your address is.My address is
Myria L Stepp
@myria-l-stepp   11 years ago
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