"BGN Race Identification Help "
"Great job!  That wraps up Langley.  South Boston and 1 Hickory race is all that is left.  Will update the OP. "
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TMC Chase
@tmc-chase Liked @mike-cox's gallery
3 years ago
"BGN Race Identification Help "
"More Langley - summer races - all night races 1982 - race 2 1983 - race 2 1984 - race 2 1985 - race 2 1986 - race 2 1987 - race 2 - unsure why... "
"BGN Race Identification Help "
"Langley - all night races 1982 - race 1  1983 - race 1  1984 - race 1  1985 - race 1  1986 - race 1  1987 - race 1  1988 - race 1  "
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"BGN Race Identification Help "
"OP is updated.  Langley, South Boston, and the 1986 Race #2 at Hickory are the only ones left. "
"BGN Race Identification Help "
"Wow!  This is a giant find!  That's a LOT of races at Orange County to track down.  Thanks a ton!  I will update the OP. "
"BGN Race Identification Help "
"Rougemont - Orange County 1983 - race 1 - night race 1983 - race 2 - night race 1983 - race 3 - night race (noted as sponsored by Mello Yello on... "
"BGN Race Identification Help "
"Great find!  That wraps up Motor Mile races!  OP updated. "
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"BGN Race Identification Help "
"Pulaski - Radford - Motor Mile - all night races 1989 1990 1991 "
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"BGN Race Identification Help "
"Excellent!  That wraps up Peach State (Jefco, Gresham).  I'll update the OP. "
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