"BGN Race Identification Help "
"Greetings, I am writing to ask for some help in solving a mystery regarding the BGN series.  I have scoured the internet, newspaper archives,... "
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Here's the commemoration print of Middle Georgia Raceway by Georgia sports artist Pete Henderson. I still have a few remaining prints if anyone would like to get theirs. Only $45 signed by Pete and $35 unsigned. This is the only preservation of history of this ole track in a fine art print form. (470) 483-9889 or message me.

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"Wally Bell "
"Sorry to hear. RIP, Wally "
Dislike 2
William Erskine Brooks
@william-erskine-brooks Liked @larry-eudy's gallery
2 years ago
"Wally Bell "
"Well, shoot. RIP Wally. "
"Wally Bell "
" Wally passed away suddenly at 8:28 AM on Monday, June 13, 2022, at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA. Friday July 15, 2022 3:00 PM... "

Cayce Historical Museum

Thursday June 23 2022, 6:00 PM • 1800 12th St, Cayce, SC
Five years after opening, lighting was installed at the Columbia Speedway. The Columbia Speedway was the first in the world to provide a means to...
Shelby Bunton
@shelby-bunton Liked @keith-smith's comment
3 years ago
is that a quick change or truck rear axle setup??
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