Andy Towler
@andy-towler commented on @andy-towler's Timeline
2 years ago

Monk Tate from Ruffin NC

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@davidhudson2 commented on @wayne-barnhill-jr's gallery
2 years ago

Remember the day and know exactly where this was. Was so stoked the locals put something up to be reckoned with :) 

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"Mechainc Don Henderson - aka McClure Ford and Dick May "
"Researching 1970's mechanic Don Henderson who worked with McClure Ford in Troy Pa.   He was good friends with Dick May.  Any chance anyone knows... "
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"Dale Earnhardt 1980 Charlotte 300 "
"I know this is an old thread but in case anyone is looking for pictures of this car with the WSOC sponsor on the hood, here are some of a custom... "
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