Third Annual Love Chevrolet Columbia Speedway RacersReunion - The Promoter’s Review
Monday April 18 2011, 9:44 AM

Love Chevrolet Columbia Speedway RacersReunion - The Promoter’s Review

This year’s event was certainly challenging. As a promoter, watching the long-range weather projection is a must. From the moment our event dates were within the ten-day weather forecast, the threat of bad weather was there. I watched each day hoping the chance for rain would decrease, but instead it increased steadily. As we neared the event dates the threat of rain became a threat of storms, then “strong” storms. Then the worst news possible…a threat of tornadoes along with reports of numerous tornadoes, destruction, and loss if life. Our local forecast included overnight strong storms with possible damaging wind, hail, and rain lasting until Saturday afternoon.

I returned to my hotel room Friday night to check the latest local and national news for storm reports and went to sleep that night thinking

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