Is Anyone Excited About The Chase?
Sunday September 25 2011, 7:24 AM

By PattyKay Lilley

Almost eight years ago (Gee, time flies regardless of fun), NASCAR announced a new format, which included a convoluted version of a play-off, though we were directed never to call it a play-off. It was, and still is, "The Chase." When drivers, press and fans all tried to point out what should have been obvious flaws, they were informed that, "It is what it is." I said it then, and I'll say it again. What it is, is BS!

The new "system" literally throws out almost everything from the first 26 races of the year, separates the lucky few that will participate in the much-vaunted "Chase" from the plebeians that were not among the "Chosen ones." Only this week, I saw one journalist (?) refer to two drivers not among the Chasers but finished in the top-10 at Chicagoland as "Interlopers." Good grief, has everyone been brainwashed??

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