Safety In Racing-The Balance of Risk, Reward, and Loss?
Thursday October 20 2011, 4:31 PM

Safety In Racing-The Balance of Risk, Reward, and Loss?

Jeff GilderIn the aftermath of the horrific racing accident in the Las Vegas Indy Car race that took life of Dan Wheldon, there is much discussion surrounding the question of whether high-banked ovals are suitable for this kind of race car. I really have a problem with the opinions that support the idea that motor racing is dangerous and sometimes deadly as if this situation should then be acceptable.

Fortunately motor racing safety in all divisions and sanctioning bodies has been improved over the past several decades. Unfortunately, many of those improvements came at the expense of someone’s life. Regardless of future improvement that may occur, I’m sure this will not be the last loss we suffer. The sport will always be dangerous. But, to allow this incident to pass without heavily questioning every aspect would be unacceptable.

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