A North Carolina weekend at Hillsboro,NC ( Part #1 )
Monday November 7 2011, 11:45 AM

[caption id="attachment_591" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Billy Biscoe "]Billy Biscoe[/caption]WOW ! is about all I can say about the weekend of Nov.5th/6th, 2011.Now I can also state right now I wouldn't have given a wooden nickel for the outlook when I woke-up friday morning.Cold and rainy and I was supposed to meet Mike Sykes and travel in convoy to Hillsboro, Nc. for the 5th annual Celebration of the Automible Event.

I had taken the week to prepair (4) of my vintage racer's to help the gang at the Historic Speedway Group enjoy another gathering of the sport of SCR surviving mechanic's,drivers and car owners come out and enjoy the fellowship of those "Good ol' Day's". As I made my daily visit in town to run a few errands the cold front that had hit the entire east coast was beginning to take a somewhat brighter turn for the better ! I returned from town I placed a call to Mike to confirm our original

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