Wednesday December 21 2011, 10:12 AM

By Tim Leeming

After our discussion of last Tuesday regarding Happy Holidays versus Merry Christmas, let me assure you that Ms. Ann and The Legend have a CHRISTMAS Tree and we wish each and every one of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Several years ago, sometime in the mid-nineties, my daughter, Laurie and I were driving somewhere, we believe it was to Raleigh for the birth of her first niece and my first Granddaughter. Laurie had brought along a CD by Amy Grant and we were soon listening to Amy sing “My Grown Up Christmas List”. At the time, I guess I had the new granddaughter on my mind too much to actually take in the words but I do recall Laurie saying she really liked that song and that it somewhat reminded her of the way she imagined I thought about such things. I really didn’t realize, at the time, what a great compliment I had been paid by this daughter of Ms. Ann and me, but as years have gone by and I have learned the song by heart, it does express my desire that there will be “no more lives torn apart, no wars would ever start, everyone would have a friend and right would always win”.

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