January 17, 2012 LEGENDTORIAL
Wednesday January 18 2012, 7:55 AM

It is that time of year between the holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, and racing season which sort of leaves the race fans a little flat. Racing season, once upon a time, began in California in January. Now the season starts for us in February in Daytona and, for some reason I don’t really understand, even later in the month than previously. Oh, I heard the stories that it has something to do with the NFL adding a week or two more to its schedule but I personally think that is a rather dumb reason for moving the race from the President’s Day weekend. I do understand that the NFL is the prima Madonna of the sports world so there may be some merit in that move but I would think not having the extra travel day (Presidents Day Holiday) to travel, may prevent some of the fans from the northern states from driving down.

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