January 24, 2012 Legendtorial
Wednesday January 25 2012, 9:46 AM

Sometime ago, on one of those days when there wasn’t anything going on and the weather was too bad to be outside, and I wasn’t ready to sit down and read which is one of my usual activities, I stumbled across a movie just beginning entitled “The Butterfly Effect”.  I was intrigued by the very opening showing a butterfly fluttering around in a jungle as the narrator intoned the thought that through science, it has been determined that the fluttering of a butterfly wing in Africa can start a reaction that influences the weather around the world.

The actual plot of the movie involved Ashton Kutcher, who had the ability to go back in time, trying to change bad things that had happened in his life to make everything in his current life happy.  He didn’t realize the consequences of even the smallest alterations to the past would so effect his present life.  He made several trips back in time trying to correct the problems his previous return had caused.  There was, in the original Star Trek Series, an episode where the Enterprise returned to the 1930s in Chicago and Captain Kirk fell in love with a young lady there while Spock worked hard to return them to the time period from whence they came.  The young lady was about to be hit by a truck but Kirk saved her. Then, through Spock’s ability to view the future newspapers as to her death by truck, or what would have happened had she lived, he determined that had she survived, the world would have been changed in such a way that there would be no Star Fleet and no U.S.S. Enterprise.  Knowing that, when the chance came to save the lady, Kirk had to watch as the truck killed her.

Sure, all of this preamble is fantasy and pure science fiction.  But let’s return to the flutter of the butterfly wings and the supposition that those flutters could cause such a weather event as a Hurricane.  Or, for a minute, think back through your life as to things you have done that impacted your life, either positively or negatively.  Think back to when you first discovered stock car racing.  You wouldn’t be listening tonight it, at some point, you had not discovered this exciting world of motorsports in general and stock car racing in particular.

While you’re thinking of that, think of the person who introduced you to the sport. Now think of people you may have introduced to the sport.  Usually, when someone is introduced to stock car racing it becomes a lifelong passion for that individual as is so well represented in the membership of RacersReunion and those gathered here tonight.

All of my ramblings are leading to something you can bet on it.  So why talk about movies that aren’t  especially good, or television series episodes from 45 years ago instead of getting right to the point?  Well, for one thing, I have roughly 15 minutes to use up on this show and I want to be sure to get my time in.  For another thing, I discovered watching the NASCAR Hall of Fame Induction Sunday evening, that I have one thing in common with D.W.  We both like to talk! Cale never called me “Jaws” but that is only because he never had to listen to me. So, what is it leading to?

Tomorrow, January 25th is, according to Jeff Gilder, the official anniversary of the establishment of this website.  Thanks to an encounter with his racing mentor, Paul Lewis, Jeff decided to start this site to give a voice to the heritage that is stock car racing.  A place, initially I think, to honor Paul Lewis and his contemporaries that made such an impact on the sport.  Jeff enlisted his son Dustin, known to many of you as “Big D”, and January 25th the site was launched. Let Jeff tell the rest of the story to any of you who may not have already heard it as I can’t begin to describe the events with the emotion and passion Jeff has for what he has created.  Most of you listening have already heard it, but, if not, start right now hitting the chat and asking for a short recitation of how RacersReunion came to be.

What Jeff and Dustin started here was like the flutter of the butterfly wings initially.  Whether or not Jeff was disappointed in the initial response to his efforts he has never shared with me.  But, like the story that the flutter of those butterfly wings would eventually influence the weather around the world, so did the establishment of this site start an influence which is only beginning to be felt.

I remember the call I got that Sunday evening from Jim Seay, so excited about the new site his friend Dargan Watts had just turned him on to.  Jim wanted me to check it out right then.  I don’t remember what I was watching on tv but I got up and went out to the computer trying to find the site but with my lack of computer knowledge that was not an easy task.  Finally, after trying for 10 minutes, I found the site and needless to say, I signed up immediately.  At the time, the butterfly wings were moving very hesitantly.  From that Sunday night on, my first action on the computer every morning was to check out the site.  Faster and Faster the butterfly wings began to flap and things were happening in this world of stock car racing history. More and more folks were finding the site, more and more folks were adding pictures and memories to the site.  More and more effort was being made to recruit other members to share their memories and pictures.  The butterfly was really causing a whirlwind by now.  But, in reality, the butterfly had just broken free of its cocoon.

What was started by Jeff and Dustin has progressed into a site that has its own Hall of Fame in Mooresville, North Carolina, in which 30 of the pioneers of the sport have already been enshrined.  A site that now produces motorsports related shows four nights a week. A site with over 8,600 members worldwide in just the Stock Car Racing site.  More pictures and videos than, I’m guessing, any other motorsports site on the internet.  Interactive chat, not only during the shows, but also at any time when two or more folks are on line at the same time.  RacersReunion has scheduled and pulled off, with the help of great sponsors, RacersReunion events at The Historic Columbia Speedway, Middle Georgia Raceway, and will, in April, in Shelby/Cleveland County, North Carolina, be responsible to yet another event honoring the history of the sport, through the efforts of RacersReunion and member Michael W. Smith.

In addition to these events for which RacersReunion, through Jeff’s efforts, is directly responsible, there is a presence at such events as The Celebration of the Automobile in Occoneechee each fall, the events held by the Augusta International Raceway Preservation Society and the Moonshine Festival in Dawsonville.  There have been other events in which the participation of RacersReunion has been in the forefront.

Through the efforts of Bobby “Bopper” Williamson, the ghost tracks of the sport have gained new recognition and perhaps were, for the first time, introduced to younger fans.  So much the impact of RacersReunion and Bopper’s efforts, that events have been held at the long silenced Cheraw Speedway.   There is an ongoing awakening as to the tracks long ago closed and many removed forever from the Google mapping system but still alive in the hearts and minds of many fans who have memories of their afternoons or evenings at those tracks. It is all a part of our history.

And now, as RacersReunion celebrates its anniversary, what lies ahead. Obviously, the revival of racing at the quartermile track in Shelby North Carolina, to take place April 21st, is the very essence of  what Jeff started.  While it is NOT the culmination of the first flap of those butterfly wings, it is an important “flap” on the way to the future yet to be discovered as this cause moves forward.  As RacersReunion begins another year, the butterfly is beginning a journey across the wide expanse of cyberspace to fulfill the wants, desires and needs of the fans who wish to honor the memories of the sport while making new memories for the future generations of fans and competitors alike to treasure.

I don’t know whether or not Jeff actually dreams, I’ve never asked him.  I do. And I noticed that the words “dream, dreams, and dreaming” were used many times during the NASCAR Hall of Fame ceremony Sunday night on TV.  I do think, however, that even if Jeff does dream I don’t think he could have dreamed the impact he would have on so many people who love the sport for its history.  I don’t think he can, even now, dream of where this “monster he created” will go. A butterfly is a beautiful creature.  What we have here is a beautiful website. Whether or not the flapping wings of a butterfly can actually effect worldwide weather is left up to your respective imaginations.  Whether or not RacersReunion can effect the way racing history and the heritage of the great pioneers of the sport are remembered is without question.  It is being done, even as I speak.

So, thank you Jeff and Dustin for what you have done. Thank you Paul Lewis for inspiring Jeff to take the step.  Thank you to each one of you listening tonight, to all of those who will read this later on the Home Page, and to all those yet to discover this site who will continue the memories.

You know, butterflies are really beautiful creatures.  E-mail me at: legendtim83@yahoo.com or follow me on twitter at legendtim83.

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