Wednesday February 22 2012, 2:21 PM

Well, well, well.  Here I am the Tuesday AFTER the Shootout and the Tuesday BEFORE the 54th Annual Daytona 500.  So much could be said, so much to be talked about, but tonight, I just want to throw some things out as my thoughts and things that have been going through my mind these past few days.

I may have mentioned this last week, but I think it bears repeating and maybe even a little further explanation.  As has been stated here by many, applauded by  some and booed by others, I am a very opinionated individual.  I believe what I believe and while I’m usually willing to listen to what others have to say, there are times when I am so overbearing that Ms. Ann has to kick me under the table at the Wednesday night dinners at church.  Jeff has forbidden political discussions here on the site and that is probably the single most positive reason he has only deleted my page ONE time.  I bring this to your attention because, in case you haven’t noticed, I have been a kinder, gentler Legend the past several weeks.  I didn’t even mute my tv when D.W. got on the Boogity wagonSaturday night. For me, that is a huge step!  To recite my dislike of that mantra he uses to start a race would be as repetitive as the praise D.W. is constantly heaping on Kyle Busch.

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