Hall of Fame Voting Closes at Midnight on Wednesday
Tuesday May 15 2012, 2:06 PM

Hall of Fame Voting Closes at Midnight on Wednesday

by: PattyKay Lilley


That date, gentle readers, refers to the "Fan Vote", so if you are so inclined, have at it. You can vote once every hour from now until then. Of course, when all is said and done, your vote will be one teensy-weensy fraction of one single vote, which is all the fans get. Personally, I think perhaps that's the way it should be. Fans generally tend to be, well, a bit fanatic, which is where the word came from to begin with.


But I digress...


When this article goes to press, there are a number of folks that will cringe when they see my name and the fact that the title contains the words, "Hall of Fame." I'm quite well-known around these parts for my rather strong opinion on the method of selection to that little private club, but today, we're going to forego that. Next week, after the five new inductees are named, I'm sure your writer will have more to say, and it might not be gentle. We'll see...

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