Memorial Day Means More Than Racing
Thursday May 24 2012, 4:00 PM

Memorial Day Means More Than Racing

by: PattyKay Lilley

Throughout the past week, my television and yours have run multiple spots for the upcoming Indianapolis 500 on Memorial Day weekend. Each time, the introduction to the spot brought forth the dulcet tones of Jim Nabors as he intoned the theme song of the race,  "Back Home Again, in Indiana", as he has done for many years. Nabors' singing of that song, and the haunting sound of a single bugle blowing Taps quite literally make the hair on my arms stand up as I shiver.  It is such a stirring way to announce that it is almost time for the race to begin.

And then, most years, the good folks at Indianapolis go and ruin the mood in the same manner we've become all too accustomed to in NASCAR. They go out and secure the services of some "Widely Acclaimed Star" or "Singing Sensation" to "perform" our National Anthem.  The Star Spangled Banner (or is that The Star Mangled Banner?) does not need to be performed! As the National Anthem of these United States of America, it needs to be offered with the honor and dignity that it deserves.

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