The Lady in Black: Thoughts and Hissy Fits
Tuesday July 3 2012, 2:12 PM

The Lady in Black: Thoughts and Hissy Fits

by: PattyKay Lilley

After a hefty number of requests for more, more, more of the rather rough-edged Lady in Black, I decided, as promised, to let her pitch this hissy fit, something she does so well! ~PK

Good day race fans. This is your raving reporter, the Lady in Black, coming to you from steam-heated North Georgia, where after almost a week of temperatures north of 100°, the grass has turned brown and faces have turned either red or green. It's been that sort of week in NASCAR too.

When old PK came in here this morning, she was thinking of regaling you with some sort of rerun of the Mashed Potatoes and Gravy vs. Mac and Cheese 400 presented by Quaker State on Saturday night at Kentucky Motor Speedway, but I muscled her out of the way and took over the keyboard. So... while I'm here and she's off having coffee, I'll say a few words about that before moving on to more important stuff.

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