Superman Drove a Blue Plymouth
Sunday July 15 2012, 11:25 AM

Superman Drove a Blue Plymouth

by: Tim Leeming

Sometimes, these days, when I’m listening to the younger people talk, I wonder what happened to the days when kids had heroes.  Someone they could emulate for the good and benefit of actually trying to be like the perceived hero.  I vividly remember my best friend when I was 10 years old. He was a year older, had bright red hair and lots of freckles and was the only kid within three years of my age anywhere in the neighborhood.  He was a fanatic for Superman.  I don’t remember if the new comics came out every month or every quarter back then, but you could bet Jimmy knew.  He would be at the store first thing in the morning when the comics were due to arrive so he could get the latest issue and find out what Superman would confront in the new edition.  I do not recall having costumes available to us back then as now stock the shelves of major retailers, but many a day I would encounter my friend wearing a towel as his latest Superman cape.  Yes, I read the comics too, but I was not into Superman as someone I would want to be like.  Oh, I believe, even today, in “truth, justice and the American way” but there was something about having to battle villains all the time that was not appealing.  Besides, I’m afraid of heights and even if I COULD fly, I’m sure that would still bother me.

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