Time Travel
Wednesday July 25 2012, 9:55 AM

Time Travel

Legendtorial for July 24, 2012

OK, Ladies and Gentlemen,  this is one I want you to sit back, relax, and really think about what I’m saying here.  Give this question some thought and answer it in your own mind.  Most people seem to either want to go quickly to the future (if you’re young and want to grow up fast) or return to the past (if you’re older and want to relive or re-do your youth).  As a sampling, I asked 10 people under the age of 25 and it was unanimous that they would like to travel to the future. I asked 10 people 45 and older and all but one of those wanted to return to a special point in their past, either to relive it, or to have a “do over."  Let’s examine that a little, using the decades that will cover most anyone who may be listening here tonight.

Let’s begin with the 1930s.  The Depression, bank failures, major Hollywood releases which would become classics like “The Wizard of Oz” and “Gone With the Wind”. Come to think of it, those two have something in common.  Oh, and all those great cars.

The 1940s.  The world at War.  Human suffering unimaginable before this point in time.  The cold war. The nuclear age.  All those great cars.

The 1950s.  Cold war escalates, Fallout shelters, sock hops, poodle skirts and all those great cars.

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