The Lighter Side of NASCAR ~ What's in a Name?
Wednesday August 22 2012, 2:34 PM

The Lighter Side of NASCAR ~ What's in a Name?

by: PattyKay Lilley

Sometimes it's fun to just kick back and have fun with a column, and that is what I did with this one. It gets boring sometimes just picking on NASCAR, and that is when I generally resort to the more historic aspect of the sport. What follows has a bit of historic value, though it progresses right up to "modern" times.

Over the years, a lot of nicknames have been bestowed on NASCAR drivers, some out of love and affection, and some, well...  for other reasons. Either way, I'm sure that most were earned. At one time, my alter ego, the Lady in Black dealt almost exclusively in nicknames, but hers were offered in a rather farcical way to bring some levity to her race reports. I'll try to confine this to ones that have been commonly heard in the garage over the years

Originally, I'd thought of presenting these in the form of a quiz, but in deference to our newer fans, they'll be presented in what hopefully will be a more informative manner. Here then, in no particular order whatsoever, is a smattering of some of the more memorable nicknames of drivers, crewmembers and tracks in NASCAR.

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