Legendtorial - Racing - Past and Present
Tuesday August 28 2012, 9:55 PM

I was either person number 74 or 79, can’t remember, to join this site and have been a contributor almost from the beginning.  Jeff [Gilder] created the site at the end of January, [2008] and I was signing up the first of March.  I joined because the intent was important to me and at that time there were enough photographs to take me down Memory Lane.

Please allow me to express my opinion here for your consideration.  You don’t have to agree with me, but please e-mail me your comments so I can hear what YOU have to say.  I’ll give you my e-mail address at the end of this segment.

First, as to the motto “Where Legends and Fans Unite”.   I have been so very blessed to have attended events either sponsored by RacersReunion or in which RacersReunion is a participant, which have allowed me to hang with the true heroes of the sport.  If I start naming names, I’m sure to miss someone but all you need to do is look back through NASCAR history at some of the biggest names and you will know the ones I’m talking about.  My experiences in each of these adventures are experiences at which I still marvel that I have been a part of.  Any of you who have attended these events know what I’m talking about.  For those who haven’t, there is an event coming up in Augusta, Georgia on September 14 and 15, and another in Hillsborough, NC on September 29th.   Further, October 14th will feature an event honoring Bud Moore at The Memory Lane Museum in Mooresville, NC.  Any of these events will allow you to meet true legends of the sport.  None of the events mentioned are like the current day NASCAR Fans' meet and greet.  These events allow you to actually have a conversation with the builders of the sport, have your pictures made with the person, get autographs and just generally soak in all that is real in stock car racing history.   Check the Events listing on the Main Page here at RacersReunion for further information.  No, I’m not trying to entice you to these events because I’m getting paid to do so. In fact, the Augusta event on September 15th is free.  The dinner Friday evening the 14th  does cost but the cost is very reasonable for what you get.  The event in Hillsborough is totally free except for what you eat, drink and any souvenirs you may want to purchase.   Anything I say about either of these events would never adequately enlighten you as to what to expect.  Let’s just say I’ve been to both of these events every year for the past four years and they only get better and having said that, I need to mention that the very first one of each venue was awesome.  As for the event at The Memory Lane Museum, you can bet it will be outstanding.  A visit to Memory Lane is an experience every race fans deserves.  There is no other place like it in the world of racing.

So, as to the mission statement, let’s consider this point.  When does history begin?  Was it 10 years ago, 20, 30?  Is it not true that yesterday IS history now? In fact, 4:00 p.m. this afternoon is history and as the famous saying states, “you  can’t change history”.   We are dedicated here at this site to preserving the history and heritage of the sport as accurately as possible.  Much of what we have here consists of photographs posted by some of the best photographers in the business, but again, I won’t mention names.  We have historians here with a wealth of personal knowledge and experience to impart and many of them do in Blogs, Forum posts and now with articles on the Home Page, which, if you haven’t yet checked it out, you need to do so as soon as this broadcast is over.  We have folks who get on chat, as they are right now, with much to say and a deep memory bank from which to draw firsthand accounts of days gone by.

Another thing you will learn here is that race drivers from the days gone by have incredible memories.  Listen to Rex White, Bobby Allison, Ned Jarrett, Richard Petty, Jabe Thomas, Tiger Tom Pistone, Lil Bud Moore or any of a couple hundred others as they tell of a specific race or other event in NASCAR history.  I have. Many times.  Then I’ve researched those stories for more details and believe me, the storyteller didn’t miss a thing. Not one time.  That, my friends, is living history of the very best kind.

All of these points relate to the mission statement in one way or another.  We are a venue for the fan to meet and interact with Legends.  We are a venue that enables the older fans to experience an almost virtual trip down Memory Lane.  We are a venue that seeks to educate the younger fan by so many sharing their stories of experiences in racing.

Having said all that, where does the discussion of current NASCAR enter this picture?  In my mind, it is necessary that we have exchanges about the current events happening on the track and in the cars today just to keep life interesting. There are things I don’t like, things you probably don’t like, and we aren’t all going to agree on everything.  There are issues in NASCAR 2012 with which I do not agree.  I dislike, with deep intensity, the break from tradition in the sport. For example, there will be a race this Labor Day weekend, but it will NOT be in Darlington as it should be.  My opinion.  I have seriously considered boycotting the Atlanta race to the point of not tuning in for the race.  But fact is fact.  I will  most likely tune it.  I will because it’s NASCAR racing.  I was there in the 50s. Been there ever since.  It is a part of all I know.  While I relate very well to the past and all the historic marvel of NASCAR stock car racing, I think staying with the current situation is vital if my memories are to have a place to dwell.  If NASCAR ended next year, would the events of the 50s, 60s and 70s even be remembered at all in 50 years?  Think about that.  To us, the race fan, stock car racing is a big part of our lives as is NASCAR.  If it ended next year, what would be remembered?  I have already encountered a self-proclaimed 18 year old NASCAR expert who had never heard of Fireball Roberts.  Several years ago, I encountered a television reporter covering the Southern 500 who did not know who Buck Baker was. The  guy who had won that race three times and was standing right in front of her.  I actually met a lady once who had never heard of Richard Petty but I supposed she has drowned by now in a rainstorm as her nose was turned up so far in the air.

I’m not criticizing or passing judgment on my friend who chose to abandon RacersReunion because of his feelings on current day NASCAR.  I’m not criticizing or passing judgment on any of the posters to the site who, mostly tongue-in-cheek, comment on Danica, Kyle, Kurt, Denny, D.W. or any other person who is the object of commentary for the day, or the week.

What we have here, I treasure. Those of you in chat, and who are listening elsewhere, know why you are here.  I can’t read your mind, but my guess would be that you have found something here at RacersReunion that appeals to you. Part of that appeal is from yesteryear while part is surely the current affairs of an ever changing sport.

Again I ask, “when does history begin”?  70  million years ago as scientist say? 5,000 years ago as some religions say?  My history started 65 years ago. Cody’s history started 16 years ago.  To remember what came before is necessary and pleasurable.  To create , today, a memory that five years from now is recalled with fondness is awesome.  To look back on the past shows us where we came from. Without knowing where we came from, we can’t know where we are. Without knowing where we are, we can’t know where we are going.  Come along for the ride, would you?


Email:  legendtim83@yahoo.com

Twitter: @legendtim83

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(Editor’s note: Tim Leeming is a member of the regular cast of the Tuesday evening racing show ” Racing Through History”, presented on Zeus Radio Network by RacersReunion®. Archives can be found by following the link. Live broadcasts can be heard from 7:00-9:00 PM every Tuesday. Please feel free to join us in the RacersReunion® Chat Room for the show.)

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