Echoes and Reflections of 9/11
by: PattyKay Lilley
Good day gentle readers. Did you enjoy the races at Richmond? Raise your hand if you fell asleep Saturday night and had to read the results of The Adventures of Clint Bowyer on Sunday morning. Yeah, me too! Long rain delays and a gas-mileage finish. I'll survive; so will you; and it's on to Chicago. But wait! Rewind please!
Like you, I sat through most of two fairly good races on Friday and Saturday, and I added a whole lot of NFL on Sunday. Please check your calendar for today's date. For all but the early birds, it will read September 11, 2012. Guys and gals, September 11 of any year should remain a solemn reminder of what occurred only eleven years ago, yet unless someone sneaked it in between commercials somewhere, I heard not a mention of that date on my TV all weekend.
Though I've occasionally been known to criticize or critique the actions of our sanctioning body, I have never once faulted them for their patriotic activities and displays... until now. NASCAR has always stood tall as the "All American Sport" when it comes to honoring both God and Country, some of the horrid renditions of the Star Spangled Banner notwithstanding. Those are handled by individual tracks and cannot be laid at the doorstep of NASCAR.