Can It Really Be that Difficult
Friday February 7 2014, 5:37 PM

Can It Really Be that Difficult

Legendtorial for February 4, 2014

LegendWell, let's see here.  We are in the month of February and all the hype over the Super Bowl is over, thank God.  Question to the NFL.  How did that fiasco suit your fans?  Not talking about the ones in Seattle who piled up furniture in the street, poured kerosene on the pile and set it afire.  When the blaze was going really good, they began to bring out more and more furniture to burn.  Police eventually got there and had to use riot gear to settle down these super intelligent folks so the fire department could put out the fire before it caught to nearby houses. I still fail to understand the mentality that would do such things.  I do think it sad, however, that the Super Bowl can count 111 million viewers on television without designating the number of those who tuned in simply to watch the commercials which cost advertisers FOUR MILLION Dollars for 30 seconds.  I certainly do not watch the Daytona 500, or any race, for the commercials.  In fact, I don't watch the commercials at all if I can avoid it.

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