I got to say, as a big fan since I was 9 I have to say, at times it is a struggle to watch the races on TV. Alot of electricity is missing. I am finding my Sundays are no longer spent so much glued to the TV as it used to be when I was growing up....
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Wednesday March 21 2012, 7:34 PM
Posted some pics of Pop & Randy Bradfords Fiat at 2009 Dragfest. Best E.T. so far, we know the car is capable of 6 second run just a matter of the right combination.
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Wednesday March 21 2012, 8:59 AM Authors
By Tim Leeming From all I’ve heard, the rain-delayed Daytona 500 had a huge audience in prime time that Monday evening.  Some attribute that to Danica Patrick, others to the fact that there was really nothing else of great appeal on that...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   YORK SPRINGS, Penna., Tuesday, March 20, 2012 – The Eastern Museum of Motor Racing has designated Saturday, March 31 and Sunday,  April 1, 2012, as the official Grand Opening and Unveiling of the Phase IV museum...
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Ninety Miles an Hour Down a Dead End Street by: PattyKay Lilley This topic came to mind this morning while listening to an old Country Music song and I thought how it might apply to NASCAR. We'll return to that thought in just a bit,...
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Sunday March 18 2012, 8:26 PM
"It was a surprise to me as well having only two hours notice before they cracked me open. Got a 30 year warranty on the job so it'll take something else to do me in."-Perry Wood
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Jay Howell .
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Friday March 16 2012, 3:36 PM
First i am no writer nor do i wanna be.I just felt moved to write some things down on how racing been a part of my life.I was blessed to grow up in a town that racing was every thing.For as long as i can think, racing been most of what i love to...
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This week, we look at the racing career of a South Georgia original over at Georgia Racing . When you mention the name Ronnie Lieupo to someone, you usually get a smile in return. They remember a joke he would tell, or a prank he...
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Wednesday March 14 2012, 8:11 PM
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