Are you Social?
Bo the Webguy
Wednesday February 27 2013, 11:00 AM

Active Members of the site are most appreciated - Posting and adding to the conversations/blog posts/discussions and commenting in groups and pictures are helping this site become the BEST place on the web for race fans and drivers.

We continue to look for more ways to bring people to this site to experience and share with the community...You may have noticed buttons all over - facebook - likes - twitter - etc. We have had google plus in several areas and have recently put it on more of the site's pages.

If you like what you see, please consider liking it, hitting the plus button and maybe sharing it on other sites. We are very close to 10000 members on this site and want to see it continue to grow.

Thanks and if you have any questions, please comment below.

Heard of Squidoo? We recently posted this page to help get more exposure for RacersReunion.

I know I have missed some, but its a work in progress. Feel fee to vote and comment on the page - Thanks!

Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   12 years ago
Thanks, Bo.
Bo the Webguy
@bo-the-webguy   12 years ago
You are Welcome Tim! Need some People to visit that page and leave some comments..