From a Fan's Point of View
Chris Jr
Sunday November 1 2009, 10:30 AM
I've decided to post a blog here and on another site called From a Fans Point of View. I know that the majority of you are unhappy with the current NASCAR. So here's where you come in! Post a paragraph or two or three telling what you would do to the current NASCAR.Have fun!
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   16 years ago
NASCAR through it's evolution has created a "disconnect" with many of its fans...especially the older fans. We old-timers resist any kind of change, even if its the style of our underwear...especially the price! I don't care what it is, we liked it better then than we do now. I think the problem goes beyond involves the car manufacturers as well. Unless NASCAR races cars that resemble cars that can be purchased at the local dealer this part of the disconnect cannot be fixed. Perhaps the new "pony" cars the Nationwide series will begin running will help...we'll see.Another part of the "disconnect" relates to what big $$ sponsorship has done to the drivers. They have become...well...vanilla. They are so pollished we, the fans, can't see their passion. I can't help believe the regular paychecks may be having a negative effect, too. Ya see, back in the day, our driver might be lapping the field, but we thought that was better than the even competition we have today. One reason...after the race...we would be able to find him sitting on the tail gate of his truck eating potted meat and crackers, signing autographs with dirt under his fingernails from all the wrench-turning he did to prepare for the race.. ( I stold that from Brandon Reed..thanks Brandon).The other issue relates to "inside information". Today everyone is an expert. We can listen to in depth information about the sport 24/7 from hundreds of outlets. We can even listen to the dirver's conversation during the race. There's no "mystery" involved anymore. We know TOO much.So, fix would involve having them race 1964 Pontiacs and cut their pay to minimum wage unless they win. Take away the least the fan frequencies and make them work on the cars to be elligible to race. Heck...take off the power steering...shorten the spoilers and put them on skinny tires.....and there goes the safety.Obviously...I'm kidding. I wouldn't have a clue how to FIX what we have now. I think it would be easier to start over from scratch. But KUDOS to NASCAR for keeping this machine running for 60 years. Ya gotta give em credit for it or has survived longer than most companies.
Bill Hupp
@bill-hupp   16 years ago
3 things I'd change right away--1. Go back to "stock-appearing" bodies. If one body has an aero advantage, the other manufacturers should take care of it.2. Open up the rulebook a little. Let the smarter mechanics mean something again. And if someone comes up with something legal that gives them an edge, let em keep it.3. No more phantom cautions. If someone pulls out a half-lap lead and "stinks up the show", they probably deserve it. A REAL sport sometimes gets dominated by one competitor, which creates history and legends.I could go on about the other issues like the point system, but those three are the main gripes in my mind.
@bumpertag   16 years ago
I wish I had the answer. Unfortunately the days of "Stock Bodies" are over. Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge and Toyota do not make anything close to the rules as they are written now, and honestly, I don't see any of them making larger cars in the future. For safety sake I like the larger cars. I'm amazed when I look back at the drivers compartments from just 20 years ago, small seats with minimum side supports, drivers with their shoulders above the top of the seats with the harnesses set at awkward angles and open face helmets. NASCAR has come a long way with safety in mind. Sure, I think they lost their focus and have allowed the sport to become too commercial and dependant on ridiculous amounts of money, but we all enjoyed the ride now for years. Now I long for the days back in the 60's and 70's and see that era as the glory days of NASCAR.Back on topic... Stock Bodies will not work now, I wish it was that simple. How to slow the cars and put the driver and his talent back in focus. Narrow tires would do it but, as you said, there goes the safety. Todays "Dirty Cars" have done little to slow them down so whats next. I know it's not a popular idea but if the banking were lowered so the cars could no longer run at full throttle all the way around it would solve so many problems. We would loose the image of Daytona and Talladega but I promise the racing would be 10 times better than what we see now. NASCAR could do away with the plates and the most talented drivers and teams would seperate themselves and we would see the best cars racing hard to win the race. No more "Snake Lines" or "Parking Lot Racing". Yes I know it's not a popular idea, but we don't have this issue at any other tracks and it's because the drivers have to lift and work the gas and the racing is much better. I do not like Daytona or Dega type racing where it's one huge pack of cars, 3 and 4 wide and nobody can race unless they're in the right lane and have enough help to pull off a pass. Not my idea of racing.I agree the rules need to allow for "Creative Engineering" but it has to have limits and I think that could be done. But if the cars continue to run in huge packs I'm afraid the racing will never improve.Bumpertag in S. Carolina