HOF Inductees on Speed

Randy Myers2
14 years ago
219 posts

Speed had two great shows on last night. Biographies on Cale Yarborough and Dale Inman featured some great footage from back in the day as well as interviews with two of the five new inductees into the NASCAR HOF nextmonth. I thought I had seen about all the footagefrom the archives of CBS, etc, but saw some new stuff last night. I'm sure there will be re-airs and shows on the remaining three inductees are set for the nextfew daysso I am looking forward to them as well. But I couldn't let the producers get away without a little ribbing. During the commercials promoting the induction of the new members, there was a "shot" of each of the inductees as the announcer called their name. Asthe announcer said "WOOD", a shot of Delano Wood popped up. You would think there is someone at the NASCAR Media Group and Speed old enough to know the difference betwood Glenn and Delano.

updated by @randy-myers2: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts

And congrats to Jeff and Jay Sellers on getting their SECOND song featured in a Nascar Bio in the last year!!!

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts

I watched them both. Good shows. And they did the Delano misque deal more than once. There were several Wood Bros. pit stop sequence promos where they did the same thing - highlighting Delano on the stop. I told my wife at the time I guessed some idiot at NASCAR Media Group or SPEED who never met the Wood Bros. didn't know the difference. Let's hope the Glen Wood bio has Glen Wood stuff and not Delano. I jumped out of the chair hollaring. Particularly enjoyed the Dale Inman piece. I can well remember sinking to my knees in pain in the garage with Dale Inman pinching the pressure point near the bend in my arm as shown in the bio, grinning all the way. One super nice man. One of the nicest folks I ever met in racing.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Randy Myers2
14 years ago
219 posts

I'm sure they will get it right but it pains me to see the mistakes and the revising of history that goes on with some of the stuff put out there for folks to see. The Delano head shot is just the latest "boo-boo". Remember the Darlington tickets that were supposed to feature HOF nominees Pearson and Bud Moore but had "Little" Bud Moores photo or the photo in the HOF Yearbook naming journalist Hank Schoolfield as Net Jarrett's car owner, Bondy Long. I know as NASCAR historians age out, there will be some mistakes made but I can't excuse some of them. BTW! I think I still have some of the lumps on my forearms from some of Dale's greetings at the shop door back in the day.

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Actually. The Legend of Cale Yarborough is all Jay. He wrote and produced that tune a long time ago (at least 20 years I think). We posted the song here on RR about three years ago and it came back to life. That song was the inspiration for Jay, Perry, and myself to make our CD...and that song was included on the CD...and got the attention of the NASCAR Media folks.

Just another example of the value of this little family...to who knows what.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

I did get to see most of those two bios and they were great, I guess mostly because they were so nostalgic for me. It was great hearing Jay Sellers sing about Cale. Has to make him proud.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.