I Never Got Used to It Back Then in '69 Either

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

I was definitely one of those folks back in 1969 who couldn't believe Richard Petty would actually drive a FORD after taking the Petty Plymouths to the pinnacle. I know there's been a lot of water over the dam since those days and multiple car changes for the Petty name, but I still do a double take when I see a Petty Blue Ford. That will never change.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 03/30/17 12:31:55AM
Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

It was like November 24th or so, 1968, when this was announced by Petty Enterprises. Back in those days I had Richard's home phone number and called that number as soon as I heard. Lynda answered the phone and she said it was true but she didn't have much other information. Back in those days I absolutely HATED a Ford. All of my friends also hated Fords. I actually would not even ride in one. 1969 turned out to be one of those years like 1965 were I went to Grand National races. 1965 because of the Chrysler boycott and 1969 because seeing Richard in a Ford was something I was not ready for. I've already related a story from the 1969 Columbia Speedway race in August in another Forum from awhile back so I won't go there again. In September, at The Southern 500, I talked with Richard in the back of his tow truck (not a hauler like today) and he told me he would have a surprise for me soon. Of course that was the return to Plymouth with the Superbird. All of this only reflects, I think, the sincere dedication we fans of old had for brand loyalty. As for today's brand loyalty, all the cars look alike so it really doesn't make a difference. There is NOTHING I can buy off the showroom floor that looks anything like what's on the track. I don't like that at all.

But, bottom line is that PETTY BLUE is supposed to be on a PLYMOUTH or DODGE. Sadly, there is no longer a Plymouth. Richard was roped into, tricked into, bought by Rousch-Fenway to allow Jack another team which he uses for not much more than a research and development team for his three cars. Sad, but true, I fear. It has been a long time since there was a Petty Blue 43 out there, or a Petty Blue and STP Red 43 out there.

What was the tag line at the opening of the Lone Ranger Radio Show? "Return with us now to the days of yesteryear......" See, my long term memory is pretty good. Good enough to know that watching those Petty Blue Plymouths of the 60s are really great memories for me. Loved those 60 Plymouths at Charlotte for that first 600 with the wire cages and mud flaps. That 1962 Plymouth that Richard hooked to the back of that black and gold Pontiac in the Daytona 500. The 1963 Plymouth that won both Columbia Speedway races that year. I still see that 1964 Plymouth at Daytona in the 500 where I watched from the dirt mound in the infield as on lap 7 Richard just took off and blew by for the lead and won that race. 1965 was the boycott but I was happy when the Petty Blue 43 returned at the end of the year. I was at that first Rockingham race on October 31st and that, in itself, is a story of my dedication to racing and Richard Petty. 1966 was a good year, but wow, 1967 for my Petty Blue Plymouth was awesome. Ah, the days of Petty Blue seem to have gone with the wind. Sad.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

TMC Chase
13 years ago
4,073 posts

You hit it 'closest to the pin' Tim. I found this article in the November 27 Sarasota Herald Tribune. Presumably, it was published the day after the press announcement. So the switch must have been announced on Nov 26.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
TMC Chase
13 years ago
4,073 posts

And Jerry Bushmire - RR member and huge contributor to my RP 200 Wins blog series - shared this one w/me from his NSSN collection.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

We have got to get back to RACING----everyone is digging in the trash can and the way back shelves for something to print (me included)..

I cant wait till Mr "W" drops us a hint on the NEW old track in Shelby...... Hey WAit a minute Doesnt the New season take off this week with Mr Bell trying to go for a new record Mon Nite with the dude on the lake---then that bunch of goats get let out of the pen again on tuesday---and Wally qualifies on Wed for position. So take your glass cleaner and tidy up the screen and dust off the head sets ------------------------------this should be good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paul crawford
13 years ago
64 posts

wonder why he didnt go with a new challanger ??? it would be more appropriate

Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

Paul, the last time I saw a Petty Garage production, last year or year before, it was a Challenger. Now it is the Blue Oval guys paying for the Petty Name so they get to have the Mustangs. Shame is that the shade they are using now is NOTthe real Petty Blue from the days when the King was winning with his number 43. Close, but now real. Side note here. When we were teenagers, several of us Petty fans who built model cars were up at the shop and asked for some of the real "Petty Blue Paint". Testor number 10 blue was as close as we could get in model car paint but it wasn't really Petty Blue. Maurice gave us a can containing about a quart of the real Petty Blue paint straight from the paint shop. The next day a couple of us got together to paint our model Plymouths. For anyone who has never witnessed what REAL Petty Blue Paint does to a plastic model, let's just say "melting it" is putting it midly. So, we used it on our bicycles.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.