Breaking News! Everyone must read!

S.T.A.R.S. Radio
13 years ago
514 posts

Myrtle Beach SC- ZRN news has learned that last night the Goat Rodeo got out of hand. There was way too much fun being had in the Goat Rodeo Studios. Neighbors called the Police who questioned all party goers and after many hours of investigationand consultation of the South Congaree Police Commissioner because he personally knew all involved several arrest were made. The photo below show one of the culprits being led to the back of a Racers Reunion Police Cruiser. RR Police Chief Eli Gilder stated more arrest may follow and ZRN news will continue to follow this story and bring updates as they become available.

updated by @stars-radio: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

OMG!!! Hope no banned substances were found, like brie or popcorn!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Cody Dinsmore
13 years ago
589 posts

I could here the racket all the way in Dawsonville!!!......via skype! lol

13 years ago
622 posts

Hoping no one was taken in just wearing theirubatuba shorts, but then again....

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

still want to know if them things come in left hand and right hand styles, just saying

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

You know that behind that glass those guys could become the next great Models for them

Ubatuba Shorts,something like these --------hmmmmm

Chippendales Tickets

bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

I was not going to say anything after what I saw and was involved in a couple weeks ago when visiting but thank heavens Devin is there to somewhat keep things under control....

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Bill are you in the loop up on professional drive in Mrytle Beach?

bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

JM, Went there thinking I was going to be "In the Loop" but as you can see in the picture I ended up somewhere else......

13 years ago
622 posts

LOL... Bill and Johnny! This calls for a bit of drumming!

/ \ / \ / \ / \ do whop..../ \ / \ whop, whop / \ / \ / \ /!!

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Only the lady on the rock could come up with those colors. And she got them plenty of security too.. Now thats a working PR person. Now to see how long she holds out for more money until the bunch behind the glass gets to her.

Dave,with your willingness to infiltrate the upper echelon you may be the next leader of rhe Laundromat Five. That is if someone can get the Goat out of hock down at the local pokey.

So with Tim tucked snugly in his Lair and Cody hid up behind the pool hall they seem safe enough for now. That is as long as Ma keeps Buddy fed and happy otherwise he may go on the loose hunting that dang goat again. Dave is out hunting those lost roads and "W" wont be no help because he is busy teaching them hillbillys how to turn left in sequence. Bill McPeek may have purchased a pair of those fire suit undies when he was up there and he is laying low in Sunny Fla saying should I or should I not. Jimmy Johnson is up in York country covering the straightliners with Mr Go Fast himself. He better watch that beauty he is with there because she hasnt lost an ounce of her looks but what can I say about Wally--You still the man though.

Ok ive walked the beach and took in the late nite scenery with my sugar so its time to settle in for the nite before I Get PKL fired up at me AGAIN.

Couldnt swear to it but it was quiet tonite on the walk north at the Ormand/Daytona city limit area ,but it sounded like a 80 over 59A with a 400 jr cam was hauling freight north just off the low tide mark, But there was no lights on the car so I couldnt actually make out who it was but a voice up along where the Aliki Atrium condos and the Georgian inn beach clubs are. It was calling out something that sounded like Cigars,Cigarettes,Cigarillos and Hava a Tampa Jewels sold right here. But the thunder would drown the voice out at times,almost like a group of old modifieds going by. This doesnt go on in the daytime but you let the beach clear out at night and if all is right you almost feel the wind change as the cars haul tail north on the beach. Yeah I know some of you are wanting the men in the little white suits to come get me and take me away but if I wasnt entertaining you with my thunder on the beach ---You just may be thinking of trying on your Yuba Tuba offset shorts and seeing if they do indeed keep what Jeff "says" from happening..... More tomorrow nite on the great American Passtime. Walkin the strand with my baby and remember great and fast times in Daytona/Ormond Beach Fla.

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts


Bobby Williamson
13 years ago
907 posts

The Rev. Jimmy Stagger done warned y'all, the best he could, about listening to this mess!

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

I am certain that those UBATUBAS are a #1, outstanding product delivering the performance control as advertised.

If not, Jeff would never promote them.

I notice Johnny Mallonee keeps pressing for an answer on whether the UBATUBAS come in right & left designs. I can't answer that question, but on the long shot that for some reason that off centered design doesn't work for you, I have found a free trial on a product designed specifically for lefties! I would never promote a product competing with an RR sponsor, so please be sure you've tried the Ubas before you "lefties" go for the free trial offer.

Boxer Shorts For Left Handed Men FREE Trial
Giggleberries Men's Underwear announce the free trial and avalability of the innovative and patented underwear designed specifically for left handed men.


Left Handed Underwear
PRLog (Press Release) - May 29, 2010 -

Its all pants at Giggleberries when it comes to designer boxer shorts for the left handed man., authorised retailer of the popular designer HOM underwear from France are now stocking the innovative and patented
boxer shorts specifically designed with the left handed man in mind, claiming that they can shave several second off the time it take when you visit the bathroom.

Traditional boxer shorts usually feature a side or vertical opening, often making it difficult for left handed men when visiting the bathroom as it requires them to perform an awkward S type manoeuvre when reaching in to their pants.

However, HOM have come up with the solution with their patented H01 horizontal opening that makes it equally as convenient for either right or left handed men.

Giggleberries are so confident that you will be pleased with this product that they are offering your money back on any H01 product as part of their FREE trial opportunity, allowing you to return your pair of H01 boxers it within 14 days of purchase if you are not completely satisfied.

Available at

*in order to receive a full refund on any item of underwear from the HOM H01 range only, then they must be returned within 14 days. Cost and cover of return shipping is to be met by the customer and so recorded delivery should be considered. This offer does not affect customers statutory rights, or rights under the 7 day cooling off period for online purchases or giggleberries returns policy.


# # #

On line retailer of designer men's underwear, stocking leading designer brands in thongs, boxer shorts and briefs, with an associated men's lifestyle and fashion blog

--- end ---

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Cody Dinsmore
13 years ago
589 posts

It's eeeeeeevil!

Cody Dinsmore
13 years ago
589 posts

And to think.....all this eeeeeeevil got started with a simple arrest note........

N.B. Arnold
13 years ago
121 posts

That picture reminds me of this joke involving two race car drivers who were out one day..........

Jeff Gilder
13 years ago
1,784 posts

Well, I've got to come clean and spill the beans while I'm at it. We had Ruby (my pet Billy goat) in goat re-hab but he got to running with some of his old buddies and fell right back into his eeeeevil ways. It was tough seeing him like this at the jail.

But the good news is they've arrested the rest of the gang. If we can get Ruby away from this goat gang, with the help of Rev Stagger, perhaps we can get him back in rehab.

The good news is the leader of the gang will be locked up for a long time. He has a history substance abuse and has just tested positive for and elevated level of stimulants believed to be the result of eating energy drink bottles. He was warned...!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
bill mcpeek
13 years ago
820 posts

Not the kind of "friends" Ruby should be hanging around with. They could all end up in the pen.Maybe some tuff love or an intervention and someone stay with Ruby 24-7 or until the stimulants wear off.

S.T.A.R.S. Radio
13 years ago
514 posts

I resemble that Goat....Wait Wait I mean I resent that Goat.

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

I think the Tues nite show on R/R might be branching out. This video was caught on the beach not far from the headquarters of the infamous Goat Rodeo Studio, participants look familiar,

Cody Dinsmore
13 years ago
589 posts

I knew I had been saving this for the right reason!!! It may be a sheep to some...but to some, it's just a long-haired goat.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

That must be Jeff crossing Ole Rocky Top!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"