A person I ran into in Daytona who was asking of

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

The lady in Black,as she sometimes describes herself was the subject of conversation today in the Mall. First thing asked was where is she really from,well best I could tell she is from upstate NY. After that they said they thought they had read some of her columns or writing up there. I said must have because she has been beating keys for awhile Im told. Then the subject came about if I had ever actually met her. Now comes the delima, no not face to face but almost. You see the lady has beat my brow a time or two over what I said,almost like getting a whippin from her only it dont hurt as bad. Then it was brought up how knowledgable she is in so many areas, well if you know the internet the worlds yourpicture window,almost-----you see you got to know what it is you are saying before you can write it so it reads correctly. knowledge is important too.

Now I had two different ladies today approach me to her input on r/r, and I said I believe her good stuff far overwrites what negative script she creates.

Then another gentleman later chimed in asking some questions of her character and was all that she writes of true wit. Only way I could answer that was PKL has a ton of time on the sport of racing,true there are a few,very few areas she isnt fluent in but give her a little time and that should be covered.

You see I was in Daytona today at a Daytona Antique Auto Racing Association monthly meeting at their museum in the Mall. They do have quite a collection of worthy collectables on racing . Some are priceless and their members do stretch from Main to Florida which are rich in memory and status.

One of special interest to me was Ray Foxx, and at 90+ years young and understand he is regular in attending. He talked to me for a bit of our Rex White and surely thought he was over his swinging years, but he guessed wrong there!!

All in all I thought it was a gret meeting and to my delight most everyone there was a member of R/R and many more questioned the vintage series called Bell-N-Bell. I told them simply go watch the video on U-Tube and make your own judgement. Most that I talked to wants to further the friendship with R/R. I told them we are only 9,000 strong only in circle track racing alone.

Now to give the person credit that invited me to this meeting; Wild Bill (William) McPeek done me proud and not me but Racers Reunion was invited back,so anyone close to Daytona on a Meeting night would do R/R justice by making an appearance.

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Carol Bell
13 years ago
36 posts

This is so cool.........

Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
13 years ago
559 posts

Ain't it Carol? And YES I am!!!