Forum Activity for @carol-bell

Carol Bell
08/16/12 06:50:14PM
36 posts



Happy, happy Cody. It only gets better from here!

(Some will disagree, but it's up to you and I think you've got it in you)

Carol Bell
08/13/12 07:54:22PM
36 posts

American Ethanol Project Future?


This country has more than enough oil and corn should first and foremost be used as a food supply. Add to that the recent reports that Ethanol may be causing damage to engines, and I think it needs to go back to being a food source. It could really lower the costs of so many everyday items that Americans need.

Carol Bell
08/13/12 05:38:43PM
36 posts


Current NASCAR

Well, I could never be accused of being a NASCAR cheerleader, but in this case when all heck broke loose, there wasn't enough time for anyone to do anything expect hunker down and go for broke. This isn't a 1 1/2 miler, it's a long country drive and had NASCAR thrown a caution the discussion would have involved police escorts and fans with pitchforks and torches.

And yes, it was one of the best I've seen in a long time.

Carol Bell
08/11/12 02:57:02PM
36 posts


Current NASCAR

It wouldn't surprise me if Newman stays SHR. As we get closer to Richmond, the field of free agents is going to be huge. It may prove more prudent to secure something earlier than later.

Carol Bell
08/07/12 04:59:22PM
36 posts

The Elephant in the Room

Current NASCAR

Dave, there's a good chance he didn't know until he had run back through every step he had taken from the time of NASCAR's announcement to what he probably thought was an innocent action at Kentucky. As to his business manager, I said all along the smartest thing they could do is shut up and not say anything.

Carol Bell
08/07/12 04:55:46PM
36 posts

The Elephant in the Room

Current NASCAR

Yup. I understand exactly what you're saying PK. But unfortunately, in the end it doesn't matter. Let's just pray he takes this negative and turns it into a positive. It's just a sad case all around.

Carol Bell
08/07/12 04:07:07PM
36 posts

The Elephant in the Room

Current NASCAR

No one seems to want to go near the latest news about A. J. Allmendinger, but I will.

First and foremost, it's a lesson I hope all young drivers will take seriously. Based on A. J.'s statement, after complaining he was tired, someone handed him a pill at Kentucky saying it was a "supplement". It was in fact Adderall, a prescription medication for Attention Deficient Disorder. The acquaintance may have thought he was doing A. J. a favor, but A. J. knows the rules and common sense should have dictated that he decline the offer.

More than likely, A. J. trusted the person offering him the pill, but it was his responsibility to ask the person what exactly the pill was. I have given friends sub-lingual B-12's at times but have taken them out of the bottle and showed them exactly what they were.

I think A. J. will bounce back from this. At least I hope he does. If he's smart though, he will become a spokesperson or poster boy if you will, for young people everywhere that this is a dangerous and misguided path for anyone to travel. One wrong step can derail your future in an instance.

And NASCAR needs to step up and take the lead for all sports in drug prevention through technology and the expertise that is readily available today.

Actually, they should have done it 20 years ago.

updated by @carol-bell: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Carol Bell
08/05/12 08:39:20PM
36 posts


Current NASCAR

It looked to be a pretty good race, but these things happen and I'm sure Jeff is happy with the win no matter how it happened. So good for him.

As to Carol's "As NASCAR Turns ", good Lord I'd be so dizzy I wouldn't be able to stand up. Besides, if I did attempt something like that, well, there's a mental hospital 90 miles up the road that I really don't want to visit.

Carol Bell
08/05/12 08:42:05PM
36 posts

I Nominate Harry Gant to Oversee NASCAR Car Development

Current NASCAR

Because that would solve the problem, Dave.

Carol Bell
08/05/12 08:35:15PM
36 posts

Ray Lamm's photo of car owner Al Rudd's #90 Truxmore Chevy driven by son Ricky Rudd in 1979 NASCAR race.

Stock Car Racing History

OK, you may argue among yourselves, but according to Racing Reference it is as follows:

3/11/79 Richmond Chevy

4/01/79 Bristol Ford

8/25/79 Bristol Ford

9/9/79 Richmond Ford

Personally, I don't care. I just loved Ricky Rudd. But there it is for what's it's worth.