Curious who is on Twitter

TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

As with PKL, I'm not a Facebook user. I'm not sure I've got anything specifically against it - just don't need one more time waster on-line to go along with all my OTHER time-wasters. Ha.

But I am on Twitter - and for the most part still continue using it. I tweet about more than just racing, but I am there. I'm curious who else participates - either by active tweeting or just reading/observing somewhat quietly.

My handle is @toomuchcountry. Others I know with accounts are:

Jeff Gilder - @RacersReunion

Tom Pistone - @TigerTomPistone

Chrissy Pistone - @ChrissyPistone

Tim Leeming - @Legendtim83

Wally Bell - @wallybellshow

Who else?

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.

updated by @tmc-chase: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

Found SG. Whoa. Not only a fellow resident of the Volunteer State but also lives in the town where I went to college. How 'bout that?

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Jay Coker
12 years ago
177 posts

I am there... @jcoker1

TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

Gotcha there. And I'm a bit of a lurker and occasional poster at HSCRF too.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

Tweeted some guy this morning who asked Kyle Petty about Dick and Ron Hutcherson. Said he used to crew for them. Used Twitter in effort to recruit him to this site.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

Don't Facebook, Tweet nor follow - unless a television news headline refers me.

Curious, though, is the Tennessee town where PK is getting y'all together for a little alcohol?

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

I was absolutely shell shocked when I saw this and thought of all our Volunteer alums.

Clogging on Rocky Top this is not.

As Reverend Stagger asserts, "Sometimes it happens in the warmups."

My older daughter informed me this afternoon that this had been featured on the CBS News. I have obviously been sheltered.

Thought tubing was for siphoning gas and funnels to keep from pouring oil all over the crankcase.

Hope none of these folk are in school on Academic Scholarships.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

Which river was used in "Deliverance?!"

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

Aha.... it was Georgia's Chattooga River.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

Imagine how I felt when I had Ned Beatty shooting his Stroker Ace scenes with Loni Anderson in my Wrangler VIP Suite at Talladega in the early 80s.

I kept imagining I heard pigs squealing!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

For the record, I'm a MIDDLE Tennessee guy - not one in EAST Tennessee.

Second, I'm an open proponent of enjoying a cold one in general and Schaefer specifically. No way I'd choose to waste one ... there (pun intended).

Three, I completely rejected Greek life. Use my limited funds to buy beer vs. friends. Heck, I don't even much life gyros.

Wait a minute - wasn't this thread supposed to be about Twitter?


Thread Hog on Dave Fulton's forum posts over last 2 weeks

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

LOL to all of the above!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jim Streeter
12 years ago
242 posts


david earnhardt
12 years ago
112 posts

thats why they say - paddle faster i hear banjo music - you know ned beatty was in another movie with burt reynolds - white lightning- had drinking and hauling moonshine , fast cars , and shaky puddin - pretty good movie .

Jeff Gilder
12 years ago
1,783 posts

Just this week, I found the RacersReunion group you started on FB...thanks, Wally. We do get a lot of traffic from fb...and that is why I use it. Kinda like trolling for crappie on Boone Lake...and yes that IS in East by God Tennessee. And for the record I have never had analcoholenema. Like TMC...I agree think that would be...a "waste" of good beer. Our East Tennessee "alcohol" roots run deep, and I canguaranteeyou those who chose that version of "tubing" ain't from around thar.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
12 years ago
1,783 posts

Every article is automatically displayed on our RacersrsReunion page.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

Just read a new Associated Press Technology article about Facebook. You old timey RR stock car racing folk using that platform of social media are running with an exceptionally young crowd . Much too young for me. The median age of new Facebook users is now age 22. That's 13 years younger than the median age of my two daughters. Heck, I can hardly figure out this old laptop, much less converse on mobile devices. Do those 22 year olds buy a lot of UBATUBAS?

Just asking.

Facebook now home to 1 billion monthly users
AP Technology Writer
Posted: Thursday, Oct. 04, 2012


More than a billion people now log into Facebook each month to check up on old friends, tag photos of new ones and post about politics, religion, cats or what their kids are doing.

That's double the 500 million it hit in July 2010 - what now seems like a lifetime but was a little more than two years ago. August 2008 marked another big juncture, 100 million users.

The latest milestone also amounts to nearly half of the world's roughly 2.5 billion Internet users, as measured by the International Telecommunications Union.

So who are these peopl e ?

Most of them - 81 percent - live outside of the U.S. and Canada. Many of them log in on mobile devices rather than personal computers, and the company now has 600 million mobile users.

The people joining now are young, with a median age of 22 . It was 23 in 2010 and 26 in 2008 and 2007. Most of them are from Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the United States. They are unlikely to be from China, the world's most populous country and home to its largest Internet population. And millions of them are not actual people. Facebook acknowledged in August that 8.7 percent of its then-955 million users may be duplicate or false accounts. At that rate, as many as 87 million accounts are fake.

As expected, the longer users are on Facebook, the more "friends" they have on the site. A user who signed up two years ago has an average of 305 friends. Someone who signed up in December 2005, when Facebook had nearly 6 million users, now has nearly 600 friends, on average.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg marked the milestone on his Facebook page, as he has in the past when the site's users hit nice round numbers.

"If you're reading this: thank you for giving me and my little team the honor of serving you," he wrote. "Helping a billion people connect is amazing, humbling and by far the thing I am most proud of in my life."

But he acknowledged in a "Today" show interview that the company is going through a difficult patch.

"We're in a tough cycle now and that doesn't help morale, but people are focused on what they're building," he told Matt Lauer during the interview.

The Menlo Park, Calif.-based company's stock never recovered from a botched initial public offering in May, at one point seeing its value slashed in half by shareholders who don't think it's increasing revenue fast enough, especially from its fast-growing mobile user base.

Last month Zuckerberg gave his first interview since Facebook's shaky IPO and since that time he's been working hard to boost confidence among investors, employees and the public.

The 28-year-old executive also continued to reassure that he is the right person to lead Facebook, as some on Wall Street have questioned whether he has the ability to lead a large public company.

"I take this responsibility very seriously," he said.

To further mark the occasion, Facebook also released a video Thursday that, somewhat abstractly, seeks to illustrate its ubiquity and utility in connecting people to one another. Directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu ("Babel," "21 Grams" and "Amores Perros"), the video starts off with an empty red chair suspended in midair in a forest. Then it moves to chairs with people, first just one then two, and groups around a dinner table, dancing, playing. Then more chairs.

"Chairs. Chairs are made so that anyone can sit down and take a break. Anyone can sit on a chair," a woman's voice assures the viewer. "And if the chair is large enough, they can sit down together. And tell jokes. Or make up stories. Or just listen. Chairs are for people. And that is why chairs are like Facebook."

See also: doorbells, airplanes and bridges.

"These are things people use to get together so they can open up and connect," the ad continues. The conclusion? The universe is vast and dark and makes us wonder if we are alone. And there is Facebook. And chairs, of course.

It's Facebook's first advertising campaign surrounding its brand. So far, though, the company is not saying whether the video will air on television.

Facebook Inc.'s stock slipped a penny to $21.82 in afternoon trading. The shares are 43 percent below their $38 IPO price.

Read more here:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts I feel as though I have to defend my use of FaceBook. After relocating to the beach 5 years ago, my kids encouraged me to sign up. I don't like change....but after missing them and the grandkids for awhile, I decided to try it. I was going through an awful lot of changes in my life, both physically and emotionally at the time. Facebook, however became my source of communication,(and healing) with family and friends. I found old friends that I had lost contact with since childhood. Nothing....and I mean NOTHING could ever replace RR for me, but I have found nothing (to this point) that could replace FB for me as well. I am not much on text-ting, heck I usually don't even keep minutes on my cell phone unless I am planning a trip...LOL So....everybody has there choice of communication and for various reasons. I DO indeed share things from RR on FB in hopes that I can draw more friends to the site.....but there will always be those (in Bossman's words) "damned fair weather friends" ! I know there are some that would ABSOLUTELY love RR, but for whatever reason at this point choose to be "spoon fed" by me. But, that is okay....I don't mind feeding them.Maybe they have families, children and jobs that limit their time. But one thing is for sure, they sure know my passion for the sport and RR. I haven't tried Twitter yet...honestly haven't had time, or the eyesight at this point...LOL I am sure it is a great thing....but I certainly enjoy variety.....for it is the spice of life. I LOVE YA'LL....

Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,137 posts

Ya gotta do what works for you, Patsy. For some reason, I don't trust that site and get the feeling that more info is being mined than I want to share.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Patsy Thompkins ~ Keisler
12 years ago
559 posts

Totally understand, Buddy.....

Santus Gore
12 years ago
10 posts

Why is it when people hear the words "alcohol enema" and"Tennessee" they think of "Deliverance" ? Especially since that movie was filmed in GEORGIA!! LOL Sounds like something is amiss up in the North Geoargia denial!!

"Ned Beaaaatty had the harrrrrr-dist paaaaaaarrrrrrt"

Bobby Williamson
12 years ago
907 posts

TMC, I'm a big facebook user, but am just now getting into Twitter. I like both of fb and Twitter, but don't have many Twitter contacts. Thanks for these. I'm @BobbyWilliamson

Bobby Williamson
12 years ago
907 posts

OK, maybe I got it backwards......Bobby Williamson @WilliamsonBobby