September 20, 1970: Richard Petty Doubles Up Dover

TMC Chase
12 years ago
4,073 posts

On September 20, 1970, King Richard won his 2nd consecutive race at Dover Downs International Speedway. His back-to-back wins also happened to be the first two GN events at the track. Driving a Ford, he won [ the inaugural Dover ] race a year earlier on July 6, 1969 - just TWO DAYS after the Firecracker 400.

Source: Motor Racing Programme Covers

I originally blogged about Petty's 1970 win in the Mason-Dixon 300 two years ago:

But in keeping with the 2013 theme of posting about races on specific dates, I thought I'd repeat much of it here.

1970 - Richard Petty qualifies 2nd alongside Bobby Isaac, leads more than half the race, and wins his 116th career race in the Mason-Dixon 300 at Dover in the winged Plymouth Superbird.

A shot of the starting line-up taken by Schaefer Ring on Honor AND member Brian "200WINZ" Hauck.

I spotted the race winner's trophy at the Richard Petty Museum when I visited it in 2011.

Article courtesy of Jerry Bushmire

Fin Driver Car
1 Richard Petty '70 Plymouth
2 Bobby Allison '69 Dodge
3 Charlie Glotzbach '69 Dodge
4 David Pearson '70 Ford
5 Benny Parsons '69 Ford
6 Bobby Isaac '69 Dodge
7 James Hylton '69 Ford
8 Bill Champion '69 Ford
9 Larry Baumel '69 Ford
10 Cecil Gordon '68 Ford
11 Buddy Baker '69 Dodge
12 Bill Dennis '69 Chevrolet
13 Frank Warren '69 Plymouth
14 John Sears '69 Dodge
15 Neil Castles '69 Dodge
16 Bill Shirey '69 Plymouth
17 Buck Baker '70 Chevrolet
18 Joe Phipps '69 Chevrolet
19 Elmo Langley '69 Mercury
20 Earl Brooks '69 Ford
21 Ben Arnold '69 Ford
22 Lee Roy Carrigg '69 Ford
23 Dave Marcis '69 Dodge
24 Joe Frasson '70 Plymouth
25 J.D. McDuffie '69 Mercury
26 Henley Gray '69 Ford
27 Tommy Gale '69 Mercury
28 Ed Negre '69 Ford
29 Cliff Tyler '69 Chevrolet
30 Bill Seifert '69 Ford
31 Roy Tyner '69 Ford
32 Dick May '69 Ford
33 Raymond Williams '69 Ford
34 John Kenney '68 Ford
35 Jabe Thomas '69 Plymouth
36 Wendell Scott '69 Ford

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.

updated by @tmc-chase: 09/20/20 07:54:44PM
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,138 posts

12th finishing Bill Dennis was one of our hometown Richmond Friday night drivers from Southside Speedway. He got a 1969 Chevy Malibu and put the same number on it - #54 - that he'd started running on his NASCAR Late Model Modified Falcons. He wound up being named 1970 NASCAR Grand National Rookie of the Yea r.

1970 Grand National Rookie of the Year, Bill Dennis carried sponsorship from Richmond's "Round Man with the Square Deal" - Sonny Mallory and his Mallory's Speed Shop. Here he races his #54 Malibu with Dover winner, Richard Petty in his Superbird. From the "Hondo" collection as published at Randy Ayers Modeling Forum.

Dennis first debuted #54 on his Late Model Modified Falcon that ran Southside Speedway, South Boston, Langley Field and Old Dominion.

Above - Bill Dennis with his Late Model Modified Falcon #54 parked next to the Ray Hendrick Tant/Mitchell "Flying 11" coupe at Langley Field in 1967 from Jalopy Journal.

Dennis' Late Model Modified Falcon #54 in 1968 as posted at Jalopy Journal.

Bill Dennis would go on to become the first 3 time winner - in a row - of Daytona's Permatex 300 in the Junie Donlavey #90.

November 25, 1970 - Lewiston Evening Journal

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
12 years ago
9,138 posts

The story of Bill Dennis' "retirement" from racing is an amazing one.

Langley To Honor Dead (almost) Racer

Newport News Daily Press

May 13, 1989

By AL PEARCE Staff Writer

HAMPTON Langley Raceway will honor a man tonight who died seven years ago.

Bill Dennis, alive and smiling, will be here as friends, family and fans recognize his sparkling racing career on Bill Dennis Night.

Dennis hasn't raced since a horrific crash at Daytona Beach in February of 1982. At 53 and still somewhat bothered by the incident, it's doubtful he ever will.

Moments after the head-on crash he had an "over-and-back" experience in which he clearly saw his body drifting toward a brilliant white light.

Given up for dead by a member of the speedway's rescue squad, he was brought back by two doctors in the infield hospital.

THE ACCIDENT happened on Feb. 7, 1982 as Dennis attempted to qualify an Eddie Falk-owned Pontiac for the Daytona 500.

He was early into his qualifying run when the rear of the car abruptly pranced to the right, out of his control. As the back of the car kicked out, its nose aimed left, down the steep banking and onto the flat portion of the track.

"It started like a routine run," Dennis said months later. "Nothing different from what I'd done down there thousands of other times. But when the car hit the apron and came back around to the right, there was nothing I could do."

He reacted correctly by steering right, into the spin. But it was too little too late. The car snapped around and went directly into the concrete wall at 180 miles an hour.

"I knew I was going to die," Dennis said. "I'd seen people killed in wrecks not nearly that bad, so I knew I was in deep trouble. I hit the (engine) kill switch and jammed the brake pedal so hard it broke my foot.

"Then I got my best hold on the steering wheel."

Barely two seconds had elapsed between the time the car broke loose and its impact on the wall.

THE TRADEMARK DAYTONA, USA is painted in two-foot-high letters along the frontstretch wall of the speedway. The D in DAYTONA was the last thing Dennis remembered seeing before the impact.

Seconds later, he saw himself dead - if only for a few mimutes.

At first, he felt nothing, just silent darkness. Then Dennis saw a brilliant light, then his body drifting upward, through billowing white clouds, toward the light.

After watching himself try unsuccessfully to move his arms and legs, darkness quickly enveloped him again.

To this day he believes he was dead. Indeed, one of the ambulance attendants who rushed him to the track hospital told attending physicians that their patient already had expired.

"HE DIDN`T HAVE any vital signs of life," said Dr. Jerry Punch, one of two physicians on duty that morning. "There was no pulse, he wasn't breathing and he had that cold, clammy feel. It looked very bleak."

Punch and Dr. A.J. Adessa worked on Dennis for several minutes, administering oxygen and cardiopulmonary resusitation.

"Suddenly, Bill gasped and his eyes shot open," Punch recalled. "He had the most horrified look on his face, like he'd seen a ghost. He couldn't breathe well, he couldn't speak and he couldn't move. He was totally disoriented."

Dennis' larnyx was crushed and his voicebox badly damaged. His shoulder was dislocated, his foot broken and he had suffered severe cuts, bruises and internal injuries.

He spent two weeks in a Daytona Beach hospital, then 10 more days in a Richmond hospital. Today, the only outward lingering sign of the ordeal is his inability to speak much above a whisper.

THE NEWS STUNNED race fans in the Richmond area, the driver's life-long home. When a radio station reported that Dennis was dead, nephew Carroll Harris was so distraught he almost wrecked his truck in his dash home.

Keith Dennis was an 18-year-old student at James Madison University. He rushed home to join his mother, sister and grandmother on a chartered jet to his father's bedside. Ricky Dennis, 21, had gone to Speed Week with his father.

"Every flight from Richmond was booked that day, so I rented a Lear," Theresa Dennis, his daughter, said. "I didn't think about anything except getting to the hospital. I didn't think about the cost ($4,500), I thought about the people I love."

Despite divorcing in 1974, Nancy and Bill Dennis had remained good friends. A registered nurse, she knew something was terribly wrong when a colleague said she had a call from doctor in Daytona Beach.

"I didn't know if it was Ricky or Bill," she said. "I just knew they wouldn't be calling me from down there if it wasn't bad."

She prayed that day for her ex-husband to give up racing. "He's had a great career, a great life," she said at the time. "He's won a lot of races and a lot of championships. He doesn't have anything to prove."

She knew better, though. "I know he won't get out of racing," she said. "It's still too important to him."

Dennis tried to race again, but NASCAR said no. They cited his difficulty breathing and speaking. Before he was grounded, though, he was adamant about racing again.

"I'll be racing again by the middle of this summer," he said in April of 1982. "I decided when I was in the hospital that if I was physically able, I'd get back in a race car as soon as I could.

"I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody or to myself," he added. "I've raced for 25 years and I know what I can do. I don't have to prove I'm not scared. Racing is my life and I'm not ready to quit."

Then he added,"I'm not ready to die, either, I'll tell you that."


Began racing: 1958 at Moore's Field in Richmond. Won his first-ever start after subbing for driver who didn't show up for a Modified race.

Honors: 1970 NASCAR Rookie of the Year.

Titles: 1975-76-79 Virginia Sportsman Champion; 1974-75-76-79 Southside Speedway Sportsman Champion; Top 10 in Sportsman national standings seven times between 1973-81.

Highlights: Won Daytona Sportsman 300 in 1972-73-74 for car owner Junie Donlavey.

Bill Dennis' daughter, Theresa chartered a Lear Jet to get from Richmond to her dad's Daytona bedside in February 1982. That's Theresa (as my "Miss Wrangler") 7 month's later in Richmond's Budweiser Sportsman victory lane in September with the late Butch Lindley. Photo from the Butch & Emanuel Zervakis collection

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Tim Leeming
12 years ago
3,119 posts

Great stuff guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

Andy Towler posted the Richmond News Leader story of the Bill Dennis Falcon a few years back from the Ray/Roy Hendrick archives. It was the first Late Model Modified to race at Richmond's Southside Speedway. The photographer, Don Pennell was a family friend and member of our Richmond church who passed this summer.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
TMC Chase
11 years ago
4,073 posts

Dover uploaded this neat 24 minute video of highlights from the 1970 Mason-Dixon 300. Looks like the video runs somewhat in reverse. The King is shown in 'victory lane' pretty early in the video, followed by racing action, followed by what looks like qualifying or practice. All good stuff.

Don't adjust your speakers - the clip doesn't have any audio.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
Dave Fulton
9 years ago
9,138 posts

9th place finisher Larry Baumel of Wisconsin had started on the pole in the 1970 Columbia Speedway dirt Columbia 200 won by Richard in the Jabe Thomas Plymouth.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"