Saturday Night at Charlotte and Monday Morning on ABC

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

I was asked this morning, after posting the fact that there would be no Legendtorial tonight, if I could post my observations of what happened in Charlotte Saturday night. So, bearing in mind that I do not like Toyotas or any driver thereof, with the exception of Cole Whitt, here we go.

I was absolutely amazed to tune in on my local ABC affiliate at 7:00 p.m. for the pre-race only to encounter a college football game between TCU and Baylor. I looked and that game had started at 3:30. I noted the remaining time in the game at tune in (7:00 p.m), and it showed 10:39 on the clock. At 7:30 there were still 7:14 showing on the clock. Thirty minutes had passed and just over 3 minutes had come off the play clock. I kept watch the scroll and listening to the announcers, while running the channels looking for a substitute channel for the race as sometimes happens when scheduling conflicts. Nothing!

Finally, around 7:35, I was advised by the ABC scroll that the race could be seen on ESPN3. I had never heard of that channel but I went in search of it only to find that my dear Time Warner Cable System charges an additional $7.99 per month for that channel. So, back to ABC I go to wait out the damned football game. Finally, 4 hours and 32 minutes after the game started, ABC went to the race. I was totally discussed that ABC didn't switch that asinine football game to another channel and put the race on. I know there are Horney Toad fans and football fans clued to their sets for those games but having counted over 39 channels on my system showing college football at the same time I was not impressed at all with ABC. I had just about decided to boycott ABCfora year but they don't have anything on worth watching anyway so that would have been an easy out.

Then, I hear about Good Morning America, ABC's morning gab-fest of talking head idiots having things to say about Tony Stewart's actionsSaturday night. I find the clip online and watched in total disbelief as those morons tried to tie what Tony did Saturday night to the horrible incident in upstate New York. I don't think I have ever seen any commentary on television (not involving politics) nearly as repulsive as that report. Surely ABC has sunk to the lowest level of broadcast integrity to have aired such a report. They claimed to have "reached out to Tony Stewart for comment" but Tony did not respond. I don't blame Tony at all. To even try to address such ignorance as displayed by ABC and Good Morning America would be futile.

Now, as to the on track incidents and after the race incidents at Charlotte. As you know, I do not like Kenseth and I like Hamlin even less. Matt is obviously frustrated because he and his Jap Crap have not won a race yet this year. Denny is just a big mouth with a little head and he's fortunate to even be included in the ridiculous Chase. Both of them play bumper cars with Brad and while I don't necessarily agree with what Brad did on pit road, I totally agree that he should have addressed both Matt and Denny with a jack handle up against the head, as they did in the old days. Denny can be thankful he was "restrained" as Brad would have killed him. As for Matt, to come running up from behind, much like the Japs did at Pearl Harbor, was disgraceful. But, that's my opinion and while I am subject to the ROE, I feel strongly enough about what I'm saying to state it this way.

As for any penalties NASCAR may choose to hand out, to the parties involved, most would be meaningless. Each driver almost must win at Talladega to continue in the infernal Chase. Money doesn't mean anything to these guys. But it will be interesting to see how that all unfolds.

To sum up, I think ABC owes Tony Stewart a huge apology but I doubt anyone in that GMA group has enough class to know that. As to the race fans, ABC owes us an apology for running a four and a half hour football game that most fans could not give a damn about to pre-empt the first part of the race and the opening ceremonies for a "Chase Race". I know ESPN and ABC are out of NASCAR at the end of this year so they have nothing to lose by ticking off big Brian, but they have something to lose by ticking off that many race fans.

So, as of today, my voice is not working, but my fingers are. I have one finger working very well to present to Kenseth and Hamlin and that bunch of junk driving racers. You all can take aguess as to which finger that may be. If you wish to comment on this post, you had better hurry before Jeff removes it!!!!!!!!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

Respect you Legend and couldn't disagree more with your racing opinions above. Keselowski went to great lengths on the track to intentionally try to wreck both Hamlin and Kenseth.

NASCAR years ago set a precedent for what to do when a driver does an imbecilic thing such as Keselowski did on pit road, endangering not only other drivers, but crew members and other bystanders.

A look through their records will reveal to NASCAR that they had no problem at all SUSPENDING "Terrible Tommy" Ellis for hitting hitting former Winston Cup Rookie of the Year Bill Dennis from behind on pit road post race following a Late Model Sportsman race at Langley Field Speedway in Hampton, Virginia. At least that same penalty, already established by prior NASCAR precedent, should apply to Bad Brad.

I think Kenseth had every reason to go after Keselowski. He'd already intentionally run Kenseth up the track and into the wall (surely you saw that - it was clear as day), then slams him on pit road with no belts or HANS. Stupid, stupid, stupid move by Keselowski.

I say sit Keselowski down for Talladega at a minimum.

And, where WAS Tony's head after what he has been through?

The football over run was ridiculous.

Legend, hope you quickly feel better.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Russell Rector
11 years ago
80 posts

THANK-YOU!!! Finally, someone telling it like it actually is!

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

Dave, the most wonderful thing about the friendship you and I share is that we can disagree and remain friends. As to Brad running Matt "up the track" Matt is one of the worst there is at blocking. He has even acknowledged that himself. As tight as that restart was, I'm not sure Brad even knew he was up there but if he did and he blocked him, then what goes around comes around for Mr. Matt!

As for what Brad did on pit road after the fact, I agree it was stupid, stupid, stupid and I would not want to see it again. As to what NASCAR may or may not do, is going to be very interesting after all the hype Brian has put on this Chase format.

As for feeling better, I am getting there. I can even speak a little now. It has been determined, from talking with my medical person, that what I have is the somewhat common reaction to the flu vaccine I received this past weekend. So, I should be completely back to normal (did I say "normal?????) by Thursday. Thanks for the good wishes on my health.

Take care and stay strong!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

Get you voice back. We'll miss you.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
11 years ago
622 posts

Massage your voice box with honey and warm tea. Feel better soon!

Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

Speaking of retaliation, next year's Cup races will again include Danica Patrick's old Indy Car nemesis, Sam Hornish, taking over the #9 Richard Petty Motorsports ride.

Do you suppose Ricky Stenhouse will be waiting in the wings if Hornish ruffles the Pony's sparkles?

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

Pissant penalties just announced by NASCAR.

$50,000 fine & probation for Keselowski.

$25,00 fine & probation for Stewart.

No penalties for Kenseth or Hamlin... at least NASCAR got that right. NASCAR should have suspended Keselowski.

After Penske driver Logano severely injuring Hamlin with an intentional crash and Keselowski continuing his immature crap, I'd love to see Joe Gibbs for once shed his Mr. Bible/former Redskins coach demeanor and perhaps go over and coldcock owner Roger Penske and get his attention. Come on Joe... show us a little emotion.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

Believe me, Dave, Coach Joe's Bible thumping is as fake as Joel Osteen's desire to help poor people

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.