An old face on a new page

Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
While looking through the members that have come on board there was a familiar name.The name goes back to the good times in north Ga mainly Banks county. there you could run on the stickiest clay in the world. After a feature there it would still pull your shoes off, my wife found that out more than once. Ive had to carry her across more than one time.But the best part is the class of folks you got to race with, you could stack up two and three wide going into a turn and come out the same way, whether you were in a full body car or a skeeter. I was never deliberately spun out or pushed but you better keep the power on or you may watch the remainder from atop your ride.Im not naming people I met there because if I start I will leave someone out and feelings will be hurt,but I will name one guy, A character in his own way. Jerry Williams was one of the ones you always remembered,really.I lost track of him for a few years then out of the blue as usual he reappeared looking kinda like another colorful driver by the name of Buck Simmons. Actually it was a tribute car to Buck built by Jerry and actually driven by Jerry.He has taken off just like I remembered him from the good ole days,winning.and now here he is on Racers Reunion smiling as usual, so when you see that golden sedan with number 41 on it pull into the track a few just may move one position back in the finish order of the feature.I know Billy ran against him and a few more here so I see there will be more coming up and saying ---- HI JERRY----------------------memories
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Jerry Williams2
15 years ago
17 posts
I joined Racers Reunion a couple of days ago not knowing much about it ( got on here just to look at pictures ) and discovered a network of racers and fans that blows my mind. Since joining I have seen names and pics. of cars that were long forgoten and people like Johnny that even remembers the long gone Banks County Speedway. Are there any more out there that raced in northeast Ga. and remember the good ole days of the gold 41 tearing up the dirt? Myself and Buck would love to hear from you.----------May God Bless
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
Jerrry the reunion is on for MGR on March 18 &19 2011
Jerry Williams2
15 years ago
17 posts
Cool, I'll try my best to be there