Forum Activity for @jerry-williams2

Jerry Williams2
08/26/12 09:37:24PM
17 posts


Stock Car Racing History

Buck went to Cordele's Watermelon Captial Speedway with me the first year I built the tribute 32 ford. Eddie McDonald was there and came over to our pits when he heard Buck was there and they had a good time talking about days gone by. After a time of re-living memories Buck told Eddie to come and look at the front end of my 41 car. Eddie looked at it and asked what was special about it, Buck replied "nothing, I just wanted you to see the front cause all you ever saw was the a$$ end pulling away. Eddie was a good sport and we all had a good laugh .

Jerry Williams2
08/05/12 02:03:14PM
17 posts

I Nominate Harry Gant to Oversee NASCAR Car Development

Current NASCAR

I will go a step farther, I nominateHarry to replace Mike Helton. --- P.S. We'll work on B. France's replacement next week.

Jerry Williams2
08/05/12 11:15:40PM
17 posts

Ray Lamm's photo of car owner Al Rudd's #90 Truxmore Chevy driven by son Ricky Rudd in 1979 NASCAR race.

Stock Car Racing History

front fenders give it away, to high of a crown for a ford. outside car is definatly an Olds

Jerry Williams2
08/05/12 08:33:08PM
17 posts


Stock Car Racing History

At 6'4" and 63 years old you should see the "shoehorn" it takes to squeze into the window of a 32 ford.

Jerry Williams2
01/15/12 07:47:00PM
17 posts

Mixing Politics with Racing


Obama's nascar lisence is a fake and I have never seen a set of jumper cables in a nascar pit anyway.

Jerry Williams2
11/26/10 11:49:57AM
17 posts

Being as Jimmie and Chad are not putting on a show did you see


I missed it too, but she can drive my car in a vintage race anytime she wants to ( I bet she could outrun Danika )
Jerry Williams2
11/24/10 09:25:20PM
17 posts

GREATNESS----------- a word with deep roots in racing

Stock Car Racing History

First of all I am not a JJ fan nor a Hendrick fan, just a realist. If you think money can win a 500 lap race you have never driven a race car. Money sure can give you the best equipment but it cant ----hit your marks just right 2,000 times that day----tell you how to draft----tell you when to pit and how many tires to take , etc. etc. . And if the Hendrick money is all there is, what happened to Jr, Mark or Jeff ? ------As for the Chase, JJ did not write the rules, he raced under the rules that were there. The Pettys and Pearson and Yarboroughs didn't have these Chase rules forced on them. Were they greater? Nobody is great but my God but they all were and are " Pretty Damn Good Drivers".
Jerry Williams2
11/24/10 08:43:45PM
17 posts

Now you know why Racers Reunion Will survive if you watched sundays parade in Homestead

Current NASCAR

All of us old f--ts should know when and where to give credit for talent ( driving or mechanical ) and like them or not JJ is an outstanding wheel man and Chad C. is hard to out smart. There are 43 other drivers and crew chiefs that would love to win every race and are doing their best with what they have to do so. We can't blame the current status of Nascar on them. We can blame the sad state of racing on the love of money the France family has lived by over the years, Brian F. being the dumbest and the worst but not the only one. They have allowed or maybe forced the Sponsers to controll the sport and the emotions that go with it. Jimmie J. will go down in history as a great driver, trouble is we will never know who he really is ( the Sponsers nor Nascar will allow him to show us that ) and that is our loss.
Jerry Williams2
09/03/10 10:50:54PM
17 posts

North Georgia Racers Reunion Chapter


sounds good Cody , keep us posted on what we need to do