New member trying to sign up

Richard Gouldman
10 years ago
86 posts

A friend of a friend has been attempting to sign up as a member of RacersReunion.

He says he is asked to answer and complete the question "What are the colors of the flag, red, white & _____"

He says that it does not take "blue" as an answer and asks for two words. Anyone know anything about this? I don't recall being quizzed on anything when I joined other than being a race fan, when and how long.

updated by @richard-gouldman: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Dave Fulton
10 years ago
9,137 posts

Dickie - I don't know the answer, sent a message to Jeff Gilder and Devin asking if they could help.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
10 years ago
622 posts


Thanks Dave.

Yes, after you answer the question there is an area where you have to type two security words (letters). Security feature. I tried to help a gentleman a couple days ago and sent him this screenshot of the area that has to be filled in. See the yellow arrow. Also, if one cannot read the letters to type there, click on the RED C to the right (in this photo, just below the word "been")toreset the letters you must type in. Keep clicking the "C" until you see a set of letters you can readto type in.


Richard Gouldman
10 years ago
86 posts

Good man Dave! I knew someone would jump in here and help remedy this situation.

Our White House may have changed the flag this past weekend, but if so I wasn't aware of it. I'm sure this can be resolved with little fanfare....assuming our flag has not been changed, that is.

10 years ago
622 posts

Richard, Please see my response below.

Richard Gouldman
10 years ago
86 posts

Okay Devin, Dave, Thank you all for your prompt responses. I passed everything along to the concerned parties. I'm certain that this will resolve any issues that the potential member had.

I am just relieved to learn that no changes have been made to our flag while I was not paying attention. You have to be very attentive in today's political environment. (, perhaps not)

10 years ago
622 posts

You are welcome!

Dave Fulton
10 years ago
9,137 posts

Thanks for quickly jumping in with both feet, Devin.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"