Larry McNeill

Dennis Andrews
10 years ago
835 posts

In honor of Larry McNeill's birthday. Larry is the oldest son of the late John McNeill that owned the old Rockingham Speedway and promoted races at Rockingham and the Sanford Motor Speedway thru the Independent Racing Association.

Larry McNeill and Wayne Andrews

John McNeill track official shirt

Jack Ryan track announcer

updated by @dennis-andrews: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Natasha James
4 years ago
1 posts

I have been quite curious as I have been researching the older race track today. It has been very interesting to read all the clippings about races there! I had never even known of the track's existence before researching. It's very cool you were able to meet up with someone who has that sort of history in their family :)