Seriously, where are race fans?

Patrick Reynolds
9 years ago
251 posts

Speedway Report contributor Paul Blaufuss is like so many RacersReunion members, he remembers are greater passion by the world for cars and motorsports. Have a read.

updated by @patrick-reynolds: 12/16/16 07:54:05AM
Tim Leeming
9 years ago
3,119 posts

Part of the problem is there in the framing of your question Patrick. "Where are the RACE Fans? That implies that there is racing of which to be a fan. What we have now is manipulated B.S. pretending to be racing.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

David Elrod
9 years ago
12 posts
I have to agree with Mr. Blaufuss's conclusion. People especially young people don't take pride and enjoy cars the way other generations did and still do. Electronic technology has replaced cars as this generations passion. I also think NASCAR is not doing themselves any favors with the brand of racing that they have chosen to give fans. For the time being give me a good football game to watch. I will pick that every time.
Patrick Reynolds
9 years ago
251 posts

Thanks for reading, Legend!

Patrick Reynolds
9 years ago
251 posts

Thank you for reading, David!

Russell Rector
9 years ago
80 posts

This report contains some very accurate reasons for NASCAR's decline. Also the entrance of Toyota into NASCAR has added to its decline.

Johnny Mallonee
9 years ago
3,259 posts

I grew up with Racing as a way of life and what is making me totally sick is the way the leadership has trashed what all of us here really love. Good ole fashion racing,the kind that you can tell each car from the other. This clone racing of today stupid. Even our Saturday nite cars are getting where they all look alike. You have to almost go back to street stocks to get a difference in looks.

There was a photo posted here a few day ago showing a smaller Motor home pulling a open trailer with a tire rack that was loaded with an old dirt track car. Sure brought back memories, like seeing Tim Leeming pulling in with his Plymouth on a trailer with a Chevy car pulling it. Heck I had to unload a pickup with job tools before I could load a tool box on board. I know things change and most times for the good but I think this change in NASCAR will really hurt the sport as we know it.

No templates to fit or Lazor's to worry with if you were built safe and within the general rules you were in. OH YEAH YOU HAD TO HAVE $10.00 TO GET IN. ---------------------- Memories

Tim Leeming
9 years ago
3,119 posts

I like the way you think Russell.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Tim Leeming
9 years ago
3,119 posts

Good post Johnny! The part about "$10.00 to get in" is a memory I think we can only share through misty memories of the past.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Alex FL Racing Fan
9 years ago
221 posts

At least IndyCar's attendance and ratings slowly are increasing.

IndyCar: Having a minor stroke that doesn't hamper your quality of life at 70, being on oxygen from when you're 85m and living to be over 100 even though you need a walker and have to live with your daughter.

NASCAR: Having a massive coronary at 55 and having to have a quadruple bypass, three stents, and an artificial valve put in while the much healthier children and siblings you cut off in your arrogance won't visit you in hospice care.

Dave Fulton
9 years ago
9,138 posts

Exactly, Johnny. Can't add to or improve on your response. Calling NASCAR.... are any of you listening or reading as attendance andTV and radio ratings and competition go down the toilet with lookalike cars (that look nothing like street cars)and milquetoast/no personalitydrivers and daily papers no longer staffing your events? Hello, hello, hello....

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Alex FL Racing Fan
9 years ago
221 posts

I should have noted in my above post that the net result for both is the same: dead

Robert Gregory Hendrix
9 years ago
83 posts

Well, I bet another rain shortened event, run at 10 o'clock on Sunday night, with a "Toyota" winning again, will bring the fans back in droves when Chase time rolls around next year.

Tim Leeming
9 years ago
3,119 posts

Robert, it appears you and I are in the same corner on this one. The Chase becomes more ridiculous with each race. I will never be satisfied until the Chase is gone and the Champion is the best performer of the season. The two drivers with the most wins, Truex and Kesolowski are both out of it. As for the "Toyotas" read "Killing the Rising Sun" and then run out an buy a Camry.

If you saw the interview with Joe Gibbs during the rain delay about the dissention within JGR, you saw a man who has taken the Brian France class in how to not answer a direct question by talking about in circles.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.