Looking for Drag Racing Info 1960-1965 - Georgia, Alabama

Sean Bush
13 years ago
3 posts

Hey Y'all: Sean Bush here. I am looking for information on a couple of tracks in GA and one in Alabama. Here's my story: My dad, Charlie Bush used to race at several tracks in the southeast. Vidalia, Albany, Camp Wheeler (Macon), Yellow River (Covington), Augusta, Phenix City (Alabama) and one track he contends was in Columbus GA, but I can't find any info on it. He describes it as having a short shut-down area and ended with a drop off down to a railroad track below. He says it ran on Friday nights. I am looking for historical information between 60 and 65 to assemble into an information history for him. Also, in that search, I hope to find race results and a picture of his race cars - a white 60 Pontiac Ventura and a black 62 Impala w/a Dyon Don tuned 409. The car was billed as Bush Hester 409 at Camp Wheeler (see my advertisements from the Macon paper in early 1963. The Pontiac was raced from 60-early 64 and the Impala was raced from 62-early 64. Any help you could provide would be GREATLY appreciated! To date, I have no pictures of either car.

You can contact me here, or email me at seancbush@hotmail.com or bushhester-racing@hotmail.com. THANKS!!!

As a side note, I have a facebook page set up for Camp Wheeler Drag Strip. There is very little information on the web concerning it, so there may be some items of interest to you all there.

updated by @sean-bush: 01/22/17 05:45:20AM
Robert Turner
13 years ago
88 posts

I am sending this photo to you by e-mail aslo. This was at Atlanta Speed Shop Dragway in '64 or 65. I don't know who the drivers are but thought I might send anyway.