Jimmy Scott

Richard Gouldman
12 years ago
86 posts

Concerning some discussion here maybe a year ago, a friend stopped by our shop recently who was a close friend of Jimmy and he rekindled my memory on a couple of things. Someone made mention previously that Jimmy converted his '58 Chevy drag car to go circle track racing. Actually, Jimmy sold the drag car intact to a former neighbor of mine named Buck Waldrop, a local businessman. Buck, with the help of another local wrench, Lloyd Talley, campaigned the car for awhile. I do not know the eventual fate of that car, but I would sure like to have some pictures of the car in it's hey-day. If anyone digs up any pics, please share them.

updated by @richard-gouldman: 03/13/17 02:03:44AM
Richard Gouldman
12 years ago
86 posts

Hey Woody, good to hear from you. My friend Roy Gunter tells me the car actually ran C/Stock. I have no idea if Jimmy ran at Suffolk, but I would imagine that he probably did. He took the car to some national meets, Bristol and where ever, so I would guess he tried his luck at other local tracks also. I will try and find out more from friends and relatives of Jimmy when I can. I don't recall that this car ever carried a "name" but it was unmistakable when you saw it run. Jimmy used the truck-arm suspension to it's best advantage and when the car launched, the car would raise up several inches, and seemingly rise another couple inches with each gear change. Power to the wheels and forward motion, no messing around. Deadly consistent. And yes, a black business coupe '58 Chevy 348 CI with 3-twos.

By the way, don't know if anyone remembers Lloyd Talley that I mentioned earlier. Among other things, he bought and re-engined the Wild Pony Mustang with Chevy power, and ran a modified class at Richmond with some good results until he crashed the car. I don't recall any details now, but I believe Lloyd suffered some headtrauma as a result of that crash.