Winchester 400 winners - need birthdates help!

Joe Ruch
15 years ago
1 posts

When Chase Elliott won the Winchester 400 recently, we know that made him the youngest winner.

But who was the youngest BEFORE he won and who is the oldest.

So, I went to work to find out.

I am missing the birthdates for these 4 drivers, then my research will be done:

Vern Schrock
Denny Miles
Dave Sorg
Don Gregory
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks! Joe

updated by @joe-ruch: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Pete Banchoff
15 years ago
279 posts
Hi Joe, someone who might be able to help is John Potts who was an ASA official and flagman for years. Hopefully he will chime in here and help. I'm sorry I can't be of much help.Pete