the show starts at 9pm

Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
For those out there that are in out of the weather the comedy channel,no wait its not the comedy channel,its actually the awards show for nascar but it will be a show and probably you may get a laugh or two off what the comedians dig up on wild man brian and his croneys so enjoy the fun sad note that Dean Martin could not be around now to roast that bunch out of daytona.
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Leon Phillips
16 years ago
626 posts
Ya that would be good him or Bob Hope
Pete Banchoff
16 years ago
279 posts
Poor Brian couldn't sit through a roast, Johnny. Anything France doesn't want to hear he won't listen to. I'd love to see it happen, though.lolPete
Pete Banchoff
16 years ago
279 posts
I stumbled on it a few minutes into it. It's when Jeff Gordon was chatting with Roger Penske and Jeff Hammond and the other commentator made comments. When they started talking about who's gown and jewelry Gordons wife was wearing, my arms went up in the air and I said to myself too much hollywood red carpet for me. I didn't stop laughing for a couple of minutes thinking what Pearson, Petty, Allison and Yarborough would have thought if this happened in their day! They would be embarrassed!Pete