Phoenix R a cing gener a l m a n a ger Steve B a rkdoll on S a turd a y showed mock-ups of the No. 51 Chevrolet sponsored by The Jerry Springer Show.
The Springer request c a me a fter Busch drove the No. 51 with a T a ll a deg a Nights: The B a ll a d of Ricky Bobby p a int scheme the previous week in the A a rons 499 a t T a ll a deg a Superspeedw a y.
Springer's show a nd Phoenix R a cing seem like a perfect m a tch considering some of Buschs recent a ntics.
Be for e D a rlington R a cew a y weekend, Springer represent a tives a sked Phoenix R a cing to submit a propos a l for a possible sponsorship, a nd the te a m delivered a n im a ge of the green a nd white c a r be a ring Springers likeness a nd the shows logo on the hood.
Springers request for a propos a l c a me on the heels of a n incident involving Busch a t D a rlington l a st month. Busch, in his first se a son with Phoenix R a cing , w a s fined $50,000 a nd pl a ced on prob a tion through July 25 (since extended through the end of the se a son) for wh a t N A SC A R deemed a s reckless driving on pit ro a d followed by a n a lterc a tion a fter the r a ce with crew members from Ry a n Newm a ns te a m
So does this me a n th a t Jerry will bring his body gu a rds to the tr a ck to keep Kurt in line? or m a ybe protect him if he gets out of line... Wonder who Jerry could get up on st a ge to tell a ll on Kurt--------------- A ny ide a s???
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM