JERRY--JERRY--JERRY--Jerry Springer,will you be my Sponsor?? please

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Phoenix R a cing gener a l m a n a ger Steve B a rkdoll on S a turd a y showed mock-ups of the No. 51 Chevrolet sponsored by The Jerry Springer Show.

The Springer request c a me a fter Busch drove the No. 51 with a T a ll a deg a Nights: The B a ll a d of Ricky Bobby p a int scheme the previous week in the A a rons 499 a t T a ll a deg a Superspeedw a y.

Springer's show a nd Phoenix R a cing seem like a perfect m a tch considering some of Buschs recent a ntics.

Be for e D a rlington R a cew a y weekend, Springer represent a tives a sked Phoenix R a cing to submit a propos a l for a possible sponsorship, a nd the te a m delivered a n im a ge of the green a nd white c a r be a ring Springers likeness a nd the shows logo on the hood.

Springers request for a propos a l c a me on the heels of a n incident involving Busch a t D a rlington l a st month. Busch, in his first se a son with Phoenix R a cing , w a s fined $50,000 a nd pl a ced on prob a tion through July 25 (since extended through the end of the se a son) for wh a t N A SC A R deemed a s reckless driving on pit ro a d followed by a n a lterc a tion a fter the r a ce with crew members from Ry a n Newm a ns te a m

So does this me a n th a t Jerry will bring his body gu a rds to the tr a ck to keep Kurt in line? or m a ybe protect him if he gets out of line... Wonder who Jerry could get up on st a ge to tell a ll on Kurt--------------- A ny ide a s???

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

Watch the interview with Kurt on the Prelude to A Dream. His remarks are crass, uncalled for, and serve no purpose whatsoever in his description of the race. The man, as both Jeff Gordon and Jeff Burton recently stated, has severe problems. They should have medication for his behavior. Fifty years ago, he would have been put away to protect society.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"