New Kids on the block

Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
Its been a while since I have seen the drastic change thats happening to the ratings on Nascars Grand national Series.Back a few years it was Rusty then DW then Dale and Mark and so on up until 2000. then Jeff Gordon strutted a while then Jimmy Johnson dominated the sport for four years.But now look at this year,all the players are shuffling around the ones at the top were oh so's in previous years.Does this mean there is a new trend in play in Nascar???YOU TELL ME
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:04:08PM
Pete Banchoff
15 years ago
279 posts
In my opinion, Johnny...The Chad and The Jimmie have stumbled since the spoiler came back and Jimmie's run-in with teammate Gordon. Also, RCR and Penske have found something with their cars and engines this year that make them very competitive. Roush can't find the handle although Biffle is getting better and better...don't know what's going on with Carl and Matt. Ganassi's car are quicker, also.I just think as soon as the 48 car gets that golden horse shoe back it will be business as usual. Lucky break Jimmie will have everything fall his way again.Pete
Wayne Wilson
15 years ago
39 posts
It is good to see other drivers and teams get some attention. I would like to see more teams progress. Keeps it interesting.