Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

In racing you should know when you got it made whether you are active or retired. Kyle Bush goofs up big time first by flying low in a school zone. Then he goes off on the track.... Then his brother blows it by using unauthorized hand signals then goes verbal on Dr Punch... Al Unser Jr gets a DUI in 2007and gets his wrist slapped, now he gets popped again for racing on city streets A N D DUI again.... now his first DUI is brought back alive by the corts and added to the present one...... Now he is off to court to see the person in the Robe in New Mexico courts-----wonder how this will be plead. Maybe Brian can give him some pointers

Or do you have other ideas??????

Al Unser Jr.

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 03/30/17 12:32:03AM
Leon Phillips
13 years ago
626 posts

Man thats bad i hope he gets going on the right path

Archie Hazel
13 years ago
3 posts

Itseems that for some people.....

if you keep giving them money...

They use it to buy more rope!!

Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

Do Judges actually wear Robes in New Mexico??? Who knew?

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

My wife currently has a sister in ICU on a ventilator in Greenville, NC. Liver gone, kidneys gone. Whole body gone. All systems shutting down. Alcohol abuse. We made the roundtrip drive from CharlotteMonday for what we expect to be the final visit. Not a pretty sight. My wife expects to next see her at the funeral. One year we were allowed to visit one of our daughters for thirty minutes at noon on Christmas Day at the detox unit of a Charlotte hospital. I can relate.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
paul crawford
13 years ago
64 posts

have a close personal freind w severe drinking problem..till he wants to deal w it himself- ya can hound them all you want...its ultimately up to them in the end..just have to hope its not a fatal end...

TMC Chase
13 years ago
4,073 posts

January 1 was the anniversary of the passing of two great songwriters: Hank Williams Sr. and Townes Van Zandt. Both had such incredible talent - yet were so tied-in to their addictions that it led to their early demise.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
paul crawford
13 years ago
64 posts

congrats on your sucees freind actually drove his vehicle through a telephone pole-then into the livingroom of a house ( lucky no one home ) then walked away..sadly the cops didnt find him till next day - so no dui charges..but even after that incident-he still refuses to sadly he just may end up as another statistic..wont listen to friends/parents..hope he sees the light before its too late

Dave Fulton
13 years ago
9,137 posts

Jim, May 19 will mark 13 years for me without a drink. I never preach about it, but I know what it can do. For 5 years after my last drink I kept two Budweiser longnecks in the fridge as a reminder. I did things and made promises I'd never have made. If I'd had a few drinks, I could get you all the race tix and pit passes and sponsorships you wanted. By the way, I NEVER drank alone and I never drank at home, always in bars and at dances and at racing related events. For me, there was no such thing as 1 drink. I drank until I was obnoxious and often picked fights.

One of my "duties" with the Wrangler racing program was to be certain no media member EVER paid for a drink. Heck, other sponsors, crew members and car owners started hanging around me for the free booze and meals. Richard Childress always looked around a bar when he walked in. If he saw me, he hollared in a loud voice, "When Dave Fulton drinks, everybody drinks!"

Richard hollaring that phrase seemed funny at the time. Then, over the years he started hollaring it at me on pit road and in the garage. It had long ago stopped being funny, but RC never let up and I quit speaking to him many years ago. He's a millionnaire and I'm not. But he has to get someone else to buy his free drinks these days.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Tim Leeming
13 years ago
3,119 posts

Awesome message, Dave. As usual. Great job on all fronts!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.