Just to show how the site has grown have you even thought of going back and finding a picture you saw a couple months ago?I did and it was waaaaay back. Racers Reunion has grown to the extent that this not some little organization built in a garage with a dozen or so old racers drinking ice tea and telling stories. No sir its a major player in todays world of faltering major league racing,no its not a pillar of NASCAR but its an independently formed and sponsored within itself organization of old time racing which is returning to the mainstream of racing as it was back in the day. local tracks are picking up on it and slowely but surely gaining speed,and now with its own broadcasting society and media center it is set to begin world wide broadcasting,no wait it happened two weeks ago,it went world wide,now next move is to ward off the paparazzi so no unwanted exposure is posted. So if you are a part of the move hang on if not please step aside because Racers Reunion is ready for the new year and trust me,no trust in our leader its going to be a blast .
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM